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//-->jan/feb ’16VOL. 30, NO. 1ON THE COVER1082016 TOTAL FATBLAST: CASSEY HO’STOP MOVES FOR FLATBELLY, LEAN LEGS,FIRM BUTTGET YOUR BEST SLEEPEVERWANT TO BE HAPPIER?DO THIS TODAY9 FOODS THAT SLIMYOU DOWNSOFT, SMOOTH SKINDETOX SALADS YOU’LLLOVE811266729114IN EVERY ISSUE46813FROM THE EDITORNEW FROM HEALTH@CROWDSOURCEDBEST LIFE NOWThe most usefulnews in health, well-being, nutrition,beauty and fitness.MIX IT UP: BEAUTY USESFOR COFFEE144“Take a risk, follow your dreamsand don’t be afraid to fail.”—CASSEY HO108Cover photography by James White.Styling by Karen Shapiro. Hair byPhilip Carreon at Crosby CarterManagement. Makeup by Mai Quynh atStarworks Artists. Manicure by JennaHipp at Nailing Hollywood.To get Cassey’s fierce look, usethese CoverGirl products: TruBlendFoundation in Sand Beige, TruBlendBlush in Pure Romance, Plumpify byBlastPro Mascara, TruNaked WaterproofEyeliner Duo and Colorlicious Oh Sugar!in Spice; at mass retailers.For Cassey’s hairstyle, use theseHerbal Essences products: NakedVolume Flexible Hold Spritzer andNaked Dry Shampoo; at mass retailers.Clothing, cover: Solow top; solowstyle.com. Suki Shufu bandeau andleggings; sukishufu.com. BrooksGlycerin G13 shoes; brooksrunning.com. Clothing, this page:Stella McCartney jacket; adidas.com.Alo bra; aloyoga.com.PHOTOGRAPHY BY JAMES WHITEJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016HEALTH.COM1jan/feb ’16CONTENTS505560HEALTHIER YOU CALENDARYour one-month plan forgetting back on track.THE UPPER BODY FAT BLASTFour steps to sculpted arms.WATCH OUTTime tellers that will upyour exercise game.READY, SET, BUFFHow relocating helpedone woman get more inshape than ever.THE NEW SUPERFOODS FORWEIGHT LOSS2016’s secrets to slim.120Bust out ofyour beautyrut—you cando this!6267LOVE YOUR LOOKS2935YOUR SKIN VS. WINTERSmack down the elements.7 BEAUTY PROS YOU’LL LOVE ONINSTAGRAMPretty is just a follow away.SHOW YOUR STRANDSSOME LOVEWith this shiny-hair kit.LIVE HEALTHY73818895YOUR BODY ON THE CLOCKNo more sick days!YOUR BEST SLEEP STARTS HEREMust-haves for great z’s.OUR DOC WILL SEE YOU NOWDr. Raj on achy breasts,bathroom fears and more.6 HABITS ALL HEALTHY WOMENSHAREThe simple steps to ahappier and fitter life.3 ICKY THINGS YOU CAN CATCHFROM YOUR PETKeep their germs at bay.YOUR HEART: A USER’S MANUALAn everything guide to yourmost important muscle.24Runner’shigh? Youbetterbelieve it.3943RESOLUTION (AND BODY!)REBOOTWillpower shaky? Learnthe science of how to rockyour goals.98101GREAT FOOD131COOK LIKE A DOMESTICGODDESSRecipes from NigellaLawson.HOW NUTRITION PROS WAKE UPTHEIR OATMEALBoost your morning meal.PASS THE POLENTA!Creamy and satisfying.140FEATURES108STRONG AND LEAN IN 2016Fitness pro Cassey Hoshares her exclusive wow-body workout.COMFORT SALADSEat clean and still feelsatisfied.SHAKE UP YOUR MAKEUPBeauty tweaks for thechange-averse.THE (REAL!) SECRET TOHAPPINESSHint: You already have it.14381114120126Your go-toproductsfor a goodnight’s sleep.67Health®,January/February 2016. Volume30, Number1.Health (ISSN 1059-938x) is published monthly, except for combined issues January/February andJuly/August, byHealth Media Ventures Inc., 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY, 10281-1008. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and additional mailingoffices. Postmaster: Send all UAA to CFS. (See DMM 507.1.5.2.) Nonpostal and military facilities: Send address corrections to Health Magazine, P.O. Box 62120,Tampa, FL, 33662-2120. Copyright © 2016 by Health Media Ventures Inc. All rights reserved.Health is a registered trademark of Health Media Ventures Inc.Printed in USA. U.S. subscriptions: $16.50/year. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement #40110178. Return undeliverable Canada addresses to PostalStation A, P.O. Box 4015, Toronto, ON, M5W 2T2. GST #8605024 83RT0001. Postmaster: Subscription information and address changes: Call 800-274-2522.Fat-fightingfoods (likegreat grainsorghum).2HEALTH.COMJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016MAKEUP, CHRISTINE BLACKBURNE; SLEEP PRODUCTS, WILL STYER; RUNNING, MICHAELSVOBODA/GETTY IMAGES; SORGHUM, MAREKULIASZ/GETTY IMAGESBEST SHAPE©2016 P&G“I’LL NEVERLOOK BACKI WILL JUSTLOOKYOUNGER ”Now with morevitamins thanthe leadingprestige moisturizer.Try OlayTotal Effects 7-in-One,from the world’s #1.In just 4 weeks,skin looks up to10 years younger.*Based on mass-market facial moisturizer and cleanser dollar sales for the past 12 months. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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