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//-->+THE MAGAZINE THAT’S DIETITIAN APPROVED+PRACTICAL IDEASFROM THE EXPERTShealthyyfood.co.ukJANUARY 2016 £3.20The health risks ofHFG weight-losschallengeand how toBELLY FATEXPERT ADVICECHOLESTEROLWhy you shouldbe eating PULSESFoods to beatVITAMIN DdeficiencyREVEALED!SUGARin yourSO WEIGHT LOSETLOVERS’ GUIDFOOD772045 822039Thaichickennoodlesbreakfast bowl0 1PLUSOSlimmed-down PIZZASOWarmingCOMFORTFOOD swapsORecipes from JAMIE,DAVINA & ELLAParma ham androcket pizzaCashew andcoconut ballsDavina’s pork, beanand sweet potato chilli9TA L K I N G P O I N T ShfgWELCOMEWITH THANKS TO: GEMMA DOYLE, REBECCA HALVERSON, JULIE-ANNE COSGROVE. GET WAISTED PHOTO POSED BY MODEL. EDITOR PHOTO: CATH HARRIESSIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE, my new yearhealth check of choice is the tapemeasure! I’mSTEPPING AWAY FROM THE SCALESand gauging my wellbeing by my waist.Experts agree this is a better way to assesshealth than BMI (especially if you’re generally slim butcarrying excess weight around your middle).BELLY FATisn’t only unappealing, but experts agree that it can be aPRECURSOR TO TYPE 2 DIABETES, as well as increasing your riskof heart disease and certain cancers.That’s why we’ve launched the Get Waisted HFGweight-loss challenge – toLOSE WEIGHT INCH BY INCHfrom ourmiddles and improve our health. Wesix readers flying the flag for Get Waisstarted following our meal planners afitness classes. Read their stories on ptheir progress in future issues and atIf you’re not particularly overweighhave too muchDANGEROUS HIDDEN FATorgans (read the facts about visceralThe message of hope? By switchingeating, visceral fat is the first to go. SoINTOthis month’s recipes – in the magon our website – and make them youresource.HERE’S TO A TRIMMER AND HEAMELANIE LEYSHON, EDITORPSWE’RE LOOKING FORGET WAISTMONTH, so email your photos and wai(before and after) toINFO@HEALTHYFOfeature the best in the magazine.JANUARY 2016HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE3CO N T E N T SIN THIS MONTH’SJANUARYp94p17p24p90p87p36p50p70p61p50TALKING POINTS3Editor’s letter6Meet our experts8Let’s talk…81How I stay healthyMark Porterp70p76p50p5538Patch and ginger need diettips, too!Weight loss for pets87Why we need vitamin D90Health benefits of pulses94Make 2016 your fittest year!HEALTH10Health notes17Get waistedJoin the HFGweight-loss challenge!24Body fatThe inside story31Health heroes or foolish fads?2016 trends under the spotlight34Health by numbersRECIPES42January recipe index44Your monthly diet planner49Cover recipeLighter stir-fry50The food lovers’ waistline-friendly collectionDavina,Jamie and fellow foodies sharetheir healthier recipes62Easy overnight oatsBirchermuesli four ways64Weeknight dinners70Choose your topping…Low-calorie pizzas72Put it on the menuAvocado75Dinner for one:Crispy fishwith cheese sauce76Energy bites78Bake away a rainy daySHOPPING12Seasonal ways to five-a-day14This month we love…4HEALTHY FOOD GUIDEJANUARY 2016ISSUEp50p24EYE TO EYE MEDIA LTD, Axe & Bottle Court,70 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1YTSUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES 01795 414778Healthyfood.co.uk/subscribeEDITORIAL ENQUIRIES 020 7803 4128FAX 020 7803 4101EMAIL Info@healthyfood.co.ukWEB Healthyfood.co.ukEditorMelanie LeyshonArt directorTina BettsAssistant editorLiz AtkinsSenior sub editorRebecca AlmondEditorial assistantLaura DayWeb assistantKathleen SilverfieldNutrition consultantJuliette KellowRecipe consultantPhil MundyADVERTISING SALESAd directorJason Elson 020 7150 5397Account manager for salesNick Bantin 020 7150 5043Head of print and partnershipsNicola Shubrook 020 7150 5037Regional business development managerNicola Rearden 0161 209 3629Managing directorSeamus Geoghegan 020 7803 4123seamus@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukPublishing directorAdrienne Moyce 020 7803 4111adrienne.moyce@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukConsultant editorial directorJo SandilandsCirculation directorOwen Arnot 020 7803 4121Production directorJake Hopkins 020 7803 4110Promotions and marketing executiveHannah Sherwood 020 7803 4129Finance directorGary Pickettgary.pickett@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukFinance managerAdam Wright 01733 373135adam.wright@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukHealthy Food Guide magazine is publishedby Eye to Eye Media Ltd, Axe & Bottle Court,70 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1YT, underlicence from Healthy Food Guide InternationalLimited and its content includes copyright materialwhich is owned or controlled by, and is reproducedunder licence from, Healthy Food Guide InternationalLimited. The title Healthy Food Guide and the HealthyFood Guide logo are trade marks owned by, and usedunder licence from, Healthy Food Guide InternationalLimited. The views and opinions expressed in thispublication are not necessarily those of Healthy FoodGuide International Limited, its subsidiaries, affiliatesor contributors.For licensing enquiries contactWendy Miller, International Licensing Director,wendy.miller@hlmedia.com.au.p66p7936How much sugar in thatgranola?59What’s the deal with umami?61Smart swaps:comfort food82Olive oil vs rapeseed oilDON’T MISS83Subscribe to HFG andsave 28%85Coming up in next month’sissue,on sale1 Feb96References97Nutrition lowdown985 top facts to take awayHUNGRYFORMORE?Find hundredsof healthyrecipes, healthfeatures andblogs abouthealth trends atHEALTHYFOOD.CO.UKISSN 2045-8223. Printed in the UK by Southernprint Ltd.Colour origination by Rhapsody. Copyright Eye to EyeMedia Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole orpart prohibited without permission. The publisherscannot accept responsibility for errors in advertisements,articles, photographs or illustrations. Eye to Eye MediaLtd is a registered data user whose entries in the DataProtection Register contain descriptions of sources anddisclosures of personal data. This paper is manufacturedusing pulp taken from well-managed, certified forests.All prices correct at time of going to press. UK basicannual subscription rate for 12 issues, £38.40; Europeand Eire, £55; rest of the world, £60. Back issues cost £5.Member of the Audit Bureau Of Circulations. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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