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Aaron Allston
Aaron Allston, Steven S. Long
Editing & Development:
Steven S. Long
Layout and Graphic Design:
Andy Mathews
Cover Art:
Storn Cook
Interior Artwork:
Storn Cook, Andrew Cremeans, Albert Deschesne,
Malcolm T. Harrison, Jeff Hebert, Scott Heine, Bryce Nakagawa, Eric Rademaker, Greg Smith
To all the
HERO System
fans out there who have kept
this game alive and vibrant for over 20
amazing years.
Aaron’s Special Thanks:
anks must go to
the players who have made the Strike Force
Universe campaigns so much fun, and so
instructive to a gamemaster and writer, over
the years: Mark Bennett, Eric Bunker, Earl
Cooley III, Kerry Gaber, Jeff Jacobson, Jan
Lewellen, Beth Loubet, Denis Loubet, Billy
Moore, Matt Pinsonneault, Susan Pinson-
neault, Bob Quinlan, Roxanne Quinlan,
Luray Richmond, Mark Richmond, Allen
Sikes, Beth Ann Sikes, and Sean Summers.
Steve Special Thanks:
Steve would like
to thank the Calculator Commandos who
once again took up calculator and pen to
make sure the math was correct: Jeff and
Cintra Bristol, Patrick Davis, Mark Ewbank,
Bryan Sewell, and Leah Watts. But the errors
remain my fault.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.
Printed in the U.S.A. First printing July 2002.
Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.
Stock Number: DOJHERO200
ISBN Number: 1-58366-004-6
HERO System
® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system.
HERO System
Copyright © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights
Copyright © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights
Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, Fantasy Hero, Pulp Hero, and
Star Hero
Copyright © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Technology .................................. 32
Super-mysteries ............................ 34
Mood And Meta-Genre................... 35
The GM Should Reward
Appropriate Actions ................... 35
Adventure ..................................... 35
Comedy ........................................ 37
Missed Attack Rolls ...........................38
Drama .......................................... 38
Revelatory Presence Attack
Modifi ers Table .................................39
Horror ........................................... 39
Romance ...................................... 40
Teen Champions ............................ 42
Sources Of Superpowers ............... 44
Unlimited Source Campaigns.......... 45
Limited Source Campaigns............. 45
Unifi ed Theme Characters .............. 46
Elements Of The Genre .................. 48
Secret Identities ............................ 48
What The Secret Identity Is For ..... 48
Costumes ................................... 49
Near-magical Costume Material .........49
Discovery Of The Secret Identity ... 50
How To Destroy The World .................50
Nonsensical Villainy ....................... 50
Destroying The World................... 50
Cockroach Durability.................... 51
Day Jobs....................................... 52
Typical Superhero Occupations ..........52
Job Interference .......................... 52
Far Away Places ............................ 52
Magic And Mysticism ..................... 53
Super-magic .....................................53
Secret Societies............................. 55
Super-agencies ............................. 55
Born Great .................................. 59
Achieve Greatness....................... 60
Have Greatness Thrust Upon
Them ....................................... 60
Combinations Of The Three .......... 60
Superhero Motivations ................... 60
More Powerful Than A Locomotive ... 62
General Suggestions.................... 62
Playing The Origin Story ....................62
Visual And Personal Style ............. 62
Suggested Game Elements ............ 62
Skills .......................................... 63
Perks .......................................... 63
Disadvantages ............................ 64
Superhero Archetypes ................... 69
Brick ............................................. 69
Possible Brick Special Effects ............69
Example Brick Powers .......................69
Energy Projector ............................ 71
Possible Energy Projector Special
Effects ..............................................71
Example Energy Projector Powers ......71
Gadgeteer ..................................... 72
Possible Gadgeteer Special Effects.....72
Example Gadgeteer Powers ...............72
Martial Artist.................................. 73
Possible Martial Artist Special Effects .73
Example Martial Artist Powers............73
Mentalist ....................................... 74
Possible Mentalist Special Effects ......74
Example Mentalist Powers .................74
Metamorph ................................... 75
Possible Metamorph Special Effects...75
Example Metamorph Powers .............75
Mystic ........................................... 76
Possible Mystic Special Effects ..........76
Example Mystic Powers.....................77
Patriot ........................................... 77
Example Patriot Powers.....................77
Power Armor ................................. 78
Example Power Armor Powers ...........78
Speedster ..................................... 79
Possible Speedster Special Effects .....79
Example Speedster Powers ...............79
Weapon Master ............................. 80
Possible Weapon Master Special Effects .72
Example Weapon Master Powers .......72
Not Using Archetypes ..................... 80
Quick Superhuman Generator ....... 81
Superhuman Generator: Types ...........81
Look Up In The Sky .......................... 5
Chapter One
The Superhero Genre....................... 6
What Superhero Stories Are
All About ........................................ 7
Period .............................................. 8
The Golden Age ............................... 8
Defi ning Comic Book Periods ...............8
Golden Age Champions .......................9
Example Golden Age Powers ...............9
Playing In A Golden Age
Champions Campaign ............... 10
Pulp Hero Powers .............................10
Other Golden Age Elements.......... 10
The Silver Age ............................... 11
Silver Age Champions .......................11
The Comics Code..............................12
Super Society Powers........................14
The Bronze Age ............................. 16
Bronze Age Champions .....................17
Example Mutant Powers ....................18
Enduring Fads ..................................19
Example Fad Powers .........................19
The Iron Age.................................. 20
Iron Age Champions ..........................20
Dark Champions ...............................20
“Four-color” Versus “Dark”.................21
Example Iron Age Powers ..................22
More Unusual Periods .................... 23
Other Historical Periods ............... 23
Alternate Histories ....................... 23
Peculiar Settings ......................... 23
Mixing And Matching ..................... 26
Timeline ......................................... 27
Sources Of Superpowers................ 27
The Appearance Of Supers............. 27
First Supers Appear Now.............. 27
First Heroes Appeared Recently .... 28
First Heroes Appeared Some
Time Ago .................................. 28
Where Superhumans Appear........ 28
Number Of Superhumans............... 28
Supers And Society ........................ 29
Historical Events.......................... 29
Culture ....................................... 30
Law ............................................ 31
Superhuman Registration Laws..........31
Government Agencies And
Superhumans ...................................32
Chapter Two
Superhero Character Creation ....... 56
Being Superhuman ........................ 57
Rating Characters And Characteristics.57
Superheroic Point Totals ....................57
Adjusting Normal Characteristic
Maxima .................................... 58
Example: The Champions
Universe ................................... 58
Champions Universe
Characteristic Standards ...................58
With Great Power........................... 59
Origin Categories........................... 59
Specifi c Subtype Details ................. 81
Brick ........................................... 82
Energy Projector.......................... 82
Martial Artist ............................... 82
Mentalist ..................................... 83
Metamorph ................................. 83
Mystic ........................................ 83
Powered Armor ........................... 83
Speedster ................................... 84
Weapon Master........................... 84
Disadvantages ............................ 84
Power Level Adjustment Chart ...........84
Disadvantages By Power Category .....84
Disadvantage Sets ............................84
Adjustments ................................ 84
Details Of The Sets ........................ 85
Characteristics Sets..................... 85
Primary Powers Sets ................... 85
Random Advantages .........................85
Random Limitations ..........................88
Secondary Powers Sets ............... 90
Skills/Perks/Talents Sets .............. 91
Disadvantages Sets ..................... 93
Superteams ................................... 94
How Teams Get Together ................ 94
Team Member Types...................... 94
Team Personality Types................ 94
Team Member Roles.................... 96
Team Characteristics ..................... 96
Team Name ................................ 96
Random Superteam Name Generator .97
Bases ......................................... 97
Equipment .................................. 97
Relationship With Authority........... 98
Government Liaisons.........................98
Team Charters ............................ 98
Tactics ........................................ 99
Some Team Tactics ...........................99
Underwater Base....................... 107
Space Base............................... 109
Vehicles ....................................... 112
Sample Vehicles .......................... 112
Individual Combat/Rescue
Vehicles .................................. 112
Super-vehicle Modifi cation...............112
Equipment ................................... 115
Weapons ..................................... 115
Defensive Gadgets....................... 117
Communications Devices ............. 118
Movement Devices ...................... 120
Restraint Devices......................... 120
Deathtraps .................................. 121
Destroying The World For Fun
And Profi t: Doomsday Devices.... 122
Instant Plot Generator ................ 149
Events Of The Story Table ................150
New And Adjusted Rules .............. 153
Fastball Special Options ..................153
The Care And Feeding Of
Disadvantages .......................... 155
General Guidelines .................... 155
Specifi c Disadvantages .............. 155
Vulnerability Frequencies .................159
Susceptibility: Proximity Of Substance ..159
Superhero Environments .............. 160
Example Resisting Objects...............160
Stopping Moving Things ............... 160
Breaking Objects ......................... 160
Breaking Buildings Table..................161
Bouncing ..................................... 162
Flexible Surfaces.............................162
Superhero-world Physics.............. 163
Villains ......................................... 163
Levels Of Villains.......................... 163
Villainous Agencies .................... 165
Villains By Level ..............................165
A Cowardly, Superstitious Lot:
Villain Types .............................. 166
Running Supervillains In A Campaign..168
Villains And Heroic Psychological
Limitations ......................................169
Non-player Characters ................ 170
NPC Types................................... 170
Neutral Ground ...............................170
NPC Roles................................... 175
Generic NPCs .............................. 176
Final Advice ................................. 179
Chapter Four
Gamemastering Champions ........ 124
Points And Power Levels ............. 125
Point Totals.................................. 125
Point Total Options..................... 126
Character Types Guidelines..............126
Character Ability Guidelines .............126
Cosmic-level Powers.......................128
Point Total Problems .................. 128
Point And Effectiveness Ceilings ... 130
Point Ceilings ............................ 130
Effectiveness Ceilings ................ 131
Perils And Pitfalls....................... 131
The Rule Of X .................................131
Other Point Total And Power
Level Issues............................ 133
Designing For Power .......................133
Creating And Running
Champions Campaigns.............. 136
Campaign Characteristics............. 136
Morality .................................... 136
Realism .................................... 137
Outlook; Importance Of The PCs . 138
Artfully Dodging ..............................138
Running The Campaign ................ 138
The Limits Of Superhero Genre
Simulation .............................. 138
Campaigns As They Age ............ 142
Creating And Running Episodes .... 144
Villain ....................................... 144
Plot .......................................... 144
Theme ...................................... 146
Subplots ................................... 146
Razor Knights Subplots....................146
Gaming It Out............................ 147
Combat Record Sheets
And Checklists................................147
Chapter Five
The Champions............................ 181
Team Resources .......................... 193
Homestead .................................. 193
Paying For The Team’s Resources ....193
Champions Personnel ................ 194
The V-Jet .................................... 194
Socrates ..................................... 195
Relations With Other Organizations .. 195
Enemies ....................................... 196
Talisman Plot Seeds ........................211
Tachyon Plot Seeds .........................209
Pulsar Plot Seeds............................207
Mechanon Plot Seeds......................206
Icicle Plot Seeds .............................201
Green Dragon Plot Seeds ................199
Devastator Plot Seeds .....................197
Index ............................................ 213
Chapter Three
Superhero Technology ................. 100
Bases And Headquarters ............. 101
Purpose ...................................... 101
Base Size .................................... 102
Example Garages And Hangars ........102
Example Labs And Lab Equipment ...102
Location ...................................... 103
Danger Rooms................................103
Non-player Characters ................. 105
Technology .................................. 105
Things Characters Don’t Have To
Pay For................................... 105
Security Gadgets.............................105
Sample Bases ............................. 106
Urban Base ............................... 106
“Up in the sky — look!”
build superhero characters.
Everyone — players and
GMs, those familiar with the comics and those who
are not — should read this chapter. Gamemasters may
wish to pay special attention to the Quick Superhero
Generator, a tool for the rapid generation of super-
characters in situations where you don’t have time to
create a character in the more traditional manner.
Chapter ree,
Blasters And Jetpacks: Superhero
Te c h n o l o g y,
describes gadgets, vehicles, and head-
quarters as they are used by characters in comic book
environments. Players who’d like to fi gure out how
to spend some unused Character Points can browse
through these pages for ideas; GMs who need a quick
selection of devices for the NPCs in an upcoming
adventure can use this chapter as a handy reference.
When it’s time for characters to begin building their
own vehicles and headquarters, they should return
here and re-read the sections related to those subjects.
Chapter Four,
...Comes Great Responsibility:
Gamemastering Champions,
as is evident from its title,
includes advice for GMs of superhero campaigns. But
even players with no interest in running a campaign
should give this chapter a look, if only to have an idea
of what the GM may expect of them and what they
should expect of their GM.
Chapter Five,
e Champions,
provides a few
sourcebook-style examples from the
Champions Uni-
the o
campaign setting of Hero
Games, to get you started. It includes writeups for a
complete superhero team, the Champions, as well
as their base, vehicle, and seven of their enemies. Its
members can serve as examples of character designs
for players who are still new to the rules. In addition,
its members might end up as NPCs in your own cam-
paign, if the GM so wishes.
All together, these chapters will serve as a handy
jumping-off point for your own adventures. is
book, like many Hero Games products, is a toolkit
— one addressing a particular genre. Rather than
telling you the One True Way of doing something,
it typically discusses the options and alternatives (to
make you aware of them), and then lets
how to implement something in your game or build a
particular power.
As with every other set of rules and recom-
mendations related to the
HERO System,
you should
always remember two important things: fi rst, if you’re
putting together your own campaign, you should
adopt any rules that help you have fun and abandon
those that don’t; and second, if you know enough
about the game to question something in it, you also
probably know enough to change it to your satisfac-
hose words opened each of the seventeen
short fi lms produced by the anima-
tion studio of Max and Dave Fleischer in the
1940s. Spoken as if by an everyday man glimps-
ing something astonishing in the air above, they made
it clear to the audience that it would soon witness
uncommon wonders.
And it was true. In each entry in that ground-
breaking cartoon series, audiences witnessed Super-
man, the fi rst and arguably most popular of all the
costumed superhumans, using the powers that were
his alien birthright to battle giant robots, natural and
unnatural disasters, enemy spies, and supernatural
ese cartoons were, of course, passive entertain-
ment — the members of the audience could imagine
they were the superhero, accomplishing remarkable
feats of strength and daring, but those were solitary
imaginings, seldom shared, inevitably forgotten. With
roleplaying games such as the
HERO System,
the audi-
ence becomes a set of participants, and the superhero
up on the big screen is transformed into a more per-
sonal alter ego, one designed to give the player exactly
the experience he previously could only imagine, and
to share that experience with others in a collaborative
is a set of rules, guidelines, and advice
you can use to run superhero campaigns in the style
of your favorite comic books — or, if your tastes lean
toward other sources of superhero adventure, of car-
toons, movies, television shows, radio shows, or movie
is designed both for players expe-
rienced with superhero roleplaying and those who
are new to this style and genre of play. Nothing in
these pages is secret or for the GM’s eyes only, so
every reader can simply choose to read it all the way
through and then decide which portions he wants to
Chapter One,
Truth, Justice, And e American
Way : e Superhero Genre,
describes what superhero
comic books, and the campaigns based on them, are
like. Players who are familiar with the comic books
can skip this chapter initially, if they wish. ey
already know many of the genre conventions this
chapter describes, but they should eventually return to
this chapter to read how the game tends to implement
those conventions. Players who are not familiar with
superhero comic books should defi nitely read Chapter
So fetch your impossibly bright, ridiculously
bulletproof underwear from the dryer and prepare
to have some fun!
Chapter Two,
Improbable Origins: Character
talks about using the
HERO System
rules to
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Aaron Allston
Aaron Allston, Steven S. Long
Editing & Development:
Steven S. Long
Layout and Graphic Design:
Andy Mathews
Cover Art:
Storn Cook
Interior Artwork:
Storn Cook, Andrew Cremeans, Albert Deschesne,
Malcolm T. Harrison, Jeff Hebert, Scott Heine, Bryce Nakagawa, Eric Rademaker, Greg Smith
To all the
HERO System
fans out there who have kept
this game alive and vibrant for over 20
amazing years.
Aaron’s Special Thanks:
anks must go to
the players who have made the Strike Force
Universe campaigns so much fun, and so
instructive to a gamemaster and writer, over
the years: Mark Bennett, Eric Bunker, Earl
Cooley III, Kerry Gaber, Jeff Jacobson, Jan
Lewellen, Beth Loubet, Denis Loubet, Billy
Moore, Matt Pinsonneault, Susan Pinson-
neault, Bob Quinlan, Roxanne Quinlan,
Luray Richmond, Mark Richmond, Allen
Sikes, Beth Ann Sikes, and Sean Summers.
Steve Special Thanks:
Steve would like
to thank the Calculator Commandos who
once again took up calculator and pen to
make sure the math was correct: Jeff and
Cintra Bristol, Patrick Davis, Mark Ewbank,
Bryan Sewell, and Leah Watts. But the errors
remain my fault.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.
Printed in the U.S.A. First printing July 2002.
Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.
Stock Number: DOJHERO200
ISBN Number: 1-58366-004-6
HERO System
® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system.
HERO System
Copyright © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights
Copyright © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights
Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, Fantasy Hero, Pulp Hero, and
Star Hero
Copyright © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Technology .................................. 32
Super-mysteries ............................ 34
Mood And Meta-Genre................... 35
The GM Should Reward
Appropriate Actions ................... 35
Adventure ..................................... 35
Comedy ........................................ 37
Missed Attack Rolls ...........................38
Drama .......................................... 38
Revelatory Presence Attack
Modifi ers Table .................................39
Horror ........................................... 39
Romance ...................................... 40
Teen Champions ............................ 42
Sources Of Superpowers ............... 44
Unlimited Source Campaigns.......... 45
Limited Source Campaigns............. 45
Unifi ed Theme Characters .............. 46
Elements Of The Genre .................. 48
Secret Identities ............................ 48
What The Secret Identity Is For ..... 48
Costumes ................................... 49
Near-magical Costume Material .........49
Discovery Of The Secret Identity ... 50
How To Destroy The World .................50
Nonsensical Villainy ....................... 50
Destroying The World................... 50
Cockroach Durability.................... 51
Day Jobs....................................... 52
Typical Superhero Occupations ..........52
Job Interference .......................... 52
Far Away Places ............................ 52
Magic And Mysticism ..................... 53
Super-magic .....................................53
Secret Societies............................. 55
Super-agencies ............................. 55
Born Great .................................. 59
Achieve Greatness....................... 60
Have Greatness Thrust Upon
Them ....................................... 60
Combinations Of The Three .......... 60
Superhero Motivations ................... 60
More Powerful Than A Locomotive ... 62
General Suggestions.................... 62
Playing The Origin Story ....................62
Visual And Personal Style ............. 62
Suggested Game Elements ............ 62
Skills .......................................... 63
Perks .......................................... 63
Disadvantages ............................ 64
Superhero Archetypes ................... 69
Brick ............................................. 69
Possible Brick Special Effects ............69
Example Brick Powers .......................69
Energy Projector ............................ 71
Possible Energy Projector Special
Effects ..............................................71
Example Energy Projector Powers ......71
Gadgeteer ..................................... 72
Possible Gadgeteer Special Effects.....72
Example Gadgeteer Powers ...............72
Martial Artist.................................. 73
Possible Martial Artist Special Effects .73
Example Martial Artist Powers............73
Mentalist ....................................... 74
Possible Mentalist Special Effects ......74
Example Mentalist Powers .................74
Metamorph ................................... 75
Possible Metamorph Special Effects...75
Example Metamorph Powers .............75
Mystic ........................................... 76
Possible Mystic Special Effects ..........76
Example Mystic Powers.....................77
Patriot ........................................... 77
Example Patriot Powers.....................77
Power Armor ................................. 78
Example Power Armor Powers ...........78
Speedster ..................................... 79
Possible Speedster Special Effects .....79
Example Speedster Powers ...............79
Weapon Master ............................. 80
Possible Weapon Master Special Effects .72
Example Weapon Master Powers .......72
Not Using Archetypes ..................... 80
Quick Superhuman Generator ....... 81
Superhuman Generator: Types ...........81
Look Up In The Sky .......................... 5
Chapter One
The Superhero Genre....................... 6
What Superhero Stories Are
All About ........................................ 7
Period .............................................. 8
The Golden Age ............................... 8
Defi ning Comic Book Periods ...............8
Golden Age Champions .......................9
Example Golden Age Powers ...............9
Playing In A Golden Age
Champions Campaign ............... 10
Pulp Hero Powers .............................10
Other Golden Age Elements.......... 10
The Silver Age ............................... 11
Silver Age Champions .......................11
The Comics Code..............................12
Super Society Powers........................14
The Bronze Age ............................. 16
Bronze Age Champions .....................17
Example Mutant Powers ....................18
Enduring Fads ..................................19
Example Fad Powers .........................19
The Iron Age.................................. 20
Iron Age Champions ..........................20
Dark Champions ...............................20
“Four-color” Versus “Dark”.................21
Example Iron Age Powers ..................22
More Unusual Periods .................... 23
Other Historical Periods ............... 23
Alternate Histories ....................... 23
Peculiar Settings ......................... 23
Mixing And Matching ..................... 26
Timeline ......................................... 27
Sources Of Superpowers................ 27
The Appearance Of Supers............. 27
First Supers Appear Now.............. 27
First Heroes Appeared Recently .... 28
First Heroes Appeared Some
Time Ago .................................. 28
Where Superhumans Appear........ 28
Number Of Superhumans............... 28
Supers And Society ........................ 29
Historical Events.......................... 29
Culture ....................................... 30
Law ............................................ 31
Superhuman Registration Laws..........31
Government Agencies And
Superhumans ...................................32
Chapter Two
Superhero Character Creation ....... 56
Being Superhuman ........................ 57
Rating Characters And Characteristics.57
Superheroic Point Totals ....................57
Adjusting Normal Characteristic
Maxima .................................... 58
Example: The Champions
Universe ................................... 58
Champions Universe
Characteristic Standards ...................58
With Great Power........................... 59
Origin Categories........................... 59
Specifi c Subtype Details ................. 81
Brick ........................................... 82
Energy Projector.......................... 82
Martial Artist ............................... 82
Mentalist ..................................... 83
Metamorph ................................. 83
Mystic ........................................ 83
Powered Armor ........................... 83
Speedster ................................... 84
Weapon Master........................... 84
Disadvantages ............................ 84
Power Level Adjustment Chart ...........84
Disadvantages By Power Category .....84
Disadvantage Sets ............................84
Adjustments ................................ 84
Details Of The Sets ........................ 85
Characteristics Sets..................... 85
Primary Powers Sets ................... 85
Random Advantages .........................85
Random Limitations ..........................88
Secondary Powers Sets ............... 90
Skills/Perks/Talents Sets .............. 91
Disadvantages Sets ..................... 93
Superteams ................................... 94
How Teams Get Together ................ 94
Team Member Types...................... 94
Team Personality Types................ 94
Team Member Roles.................... 96
Team Characteristics ..................... 96
Team Name ................................ 96
Random Superteam Name Generator .97
Bases ......................................... 97
Equipment .................................. 97
Relationship With Authority........... 98
Government Liaisons.........................98
Team Charters ............................ 98
Tactics ........................................ 99
Some Team Tactics ...........................99
Underwater Base....................... 107
Space Base............................... 109
Vehicles ....................................... 112
Sample Vehicles .......................... 112
Individual Combat/Rescue
Vehicles .................................. 112
Super-vehicle Modifi cation...............112
Equipment ................................... 115
Weapons ..................................... 115
Defensive Gadgets....................... 117
Communications Devices ............. 118
Movement Devices ...................... 120
Restraint Devices......................... 120
Deathtraps .................................. 121
Destroying The World For Fun
And Profi t: Doomsday Devices.... 122
Instant Plot Generator ................ 149
Events Of The Story Table ................150
New And Adjusted Rules .............. 153
Fastball Special Options ..................153
The Care And Feeding Of
Disadvantages .......................... 155
General Guidelines .................... 155
Specifi c Disadvantages .............. 155
Vulnerability Frequencies .................159
Susceptibility: Proximity Of Substance ..159
Superhero Environments .............. 160
Example Resisting Objects...............160
Stopping Moving Things ............... 160
Breaking Objects ......................... 160
Breaking Buildings Table..................161
Bouncing ..................................... 162
Flexible Surfaces.............................162
Superhero-world Physics.............. 163
Villains ......................................... 163
Levels Of Villains.......................... 163
Villainous Agencies .................... 165
Villains By Level ..............................165
A Cowardly, Superstitious Lot:
Villain Types .............................. 166
Running Supervillains In A Campaign..168
Villains And Heroic Psychological
Limitations ......................................169
Non-player Characters ................ 170
NPC Types................................... 170
Neutral Ground ...............................170
NPC Roles................................... 175
Generic NPCs .............................. 176
Final Advice ................................. 179
Chapter Four
Gamemastering Champions ........ 124
Points And Power Levels ............. 125
Point Totals.................................. 125
Point Total Options..................... 126
Character Types Guidelines..............126
Character Ability Guidelines .............126
Cosmic-level Powers.......................128
Point Total Problems .................. 128
Point And Effectiveness Ceilings ... 130
Point Ceilings ............................ 130
Effectiveness Ceilings ................ 131
Perils And Pitfalls....................... 131
The Rule Of X .................................131
Other Point Total And Power
Level Issues............................ 133
Designing For Power .......................133
Creating And Running
Champions Campaigns.............. 136
Campaign Characteristics............. 136
Morality .................................... 136
Realism .................................... 137
Outlook; Importance Of The PCs . 138
Artfully Dodging ..............................138
Running The Campaign ................ 138
The Limits Of Superhero Genre
Simulation .............................. 138
Campaigns As They Age ............ 142
Creating And Running Episodes .... 144
Villain ....................................... 144
Plot .......................................... 144
Theme ...................................... 146
Subplots ................................... 146
Razor Knights Subplots....................146
Gaming It Out............................ 147
Combat Record Sheets
And Checklists................................147
Chapter Five
The Champions............................ 181
Team Resources .......................... 193
Homestead .................................. 193
Paying For The Team’s Resources ....193
Champions Personnel ................ 194
The V-Jet .................................... 194
Socrates ..................................... 195
Relations With Other Organizations .. 195
Enemies ....................................... 196
Talisman Plot Seeds ........................211
Tachyon Plot Seeds .........................209
Pulsar Plot Seeds............................207
Mechanon Plot Seeds......................206
Icicle Plot Seeds .............................201
Green Dragon Plot Seeds ................199
Devastator Plot Seeds .....................197
Index ............................................ 213
Chapter Three
Superhero Technology ................. 100
Bases And Headquarters ............. 101
Purpose ...................................... 101
Base Size .................................... 102
Example Garages And Hangars ........102
Example Labs And Lab Equipment ...102
Location ...................................... 103
Danger Rooms................................103
Non-player Characters ................. 105
Technology .................................. 105
Things Characters Don’t Have To
Pay For................................... 105
Security Gadgets.............................105
Sample Bases ............................. 106
Urban Base ............................... 106
“Up in the sky — look!”
build superhero characters.
Everyone — players and
GMs, those familiar with the comics and those who
are not — should read this chapter. Gamemasters may
wish to pay special attention to the Quick Superhero
Generator, a tool for the rapid generation of super-
characters in situations where you don’t have time to
create a character in the more traditional manner.
Chapter ree,
Blasters And Jetpacks: Superhero
Te c h n o l o g y,
describes gadgets, vehicles, and head-
quarters as they are used by characters in comic book
environments. Players who’d like to fi gure out how
to spend some unused Character Points can browse
through these pages for ideas; GMs who need a quick
selection of devices for the NPCs in an upcoming
adventure can use this chapter as a handy reference.
When it’s time for characters to begin building their
own vehicles and headquarters, they should return
here and re-read the sections related to those subjects.
Chapter Four,
...Comes Great Responsibility:
Gamemastering Champions,
as is evident from its title,
includes advice for GMs of superhero campaigns. But
even players with no interest in running a campaign
should give this chapter a look, if only to have an idea
of what the GM may expect of them and what they
should expect of their GM.
Chapter Five,
e Champions,
provides a few
sourcebook-style examples from the
Champions Uni-
the o
campaign setting of Hero
Games, to get you started. It includes writeups for a
complete superhero team, the Champions, as well
as their base, vehicle, and seven of their enemies. Its
members can serve as examples of character designs
for players who are still new to the rules. In addition,
its members might end up as NPCs in your own cam-
paign, if the GM so wishes.
All together, these chapters will serve as a handy
jumping-off point for your own adventures. is
book, like many Hero Games products, is a toolkit
— one addressing a particular genre. Rather than
telling you the One True Way of doing something,
it typically discusses the options and alternatives (to
make you aware of them), and then lets
how to implement something in your game or build a
particular power.
As with every other set of rules and recom-
mendations related to the
HERO System,
you should
always remember two important things: fi rst, if you’re
putting together your own campaign, you should
adopt any rules that help you have fun and abandon
those that don’t; and second, if you know enough
about the game to question something in it, you also
probably know enough to change it to your satisfac-
hose words opened each of the seventeen
short fi lms produced by the anima-
tion studio of Max and Dave Fleischer in the
1940s. Spoken as if by an everyday man glimps-
ing something astonishing in the air above, they made
it clear to the audience that it would soon witness
uncommon wonders.
And it was true. In each entry in that ground-
breaking cartoon series, audiences witnessed Super-
man, the fi rst and arguably most popular of all the
costumed superhumans, using the powers that were
his alien birthright to battle giant robots, natural and
unnatural disasters, enemy spies, and supernatural
ese cartoons were, of course, passive entertain-
ment — the members of the audience could imagine
they were the superhero, accomplishing remarkable
feats of strength and daring, but those were solitary
imaginings, seldom shared, inevitably forgotten. With
roleplaying games such as the
HERO System,
the audi-
ence becomes a set of participants, and the superhero
up on the big screen is transformed into a more per-
sonal alter ego, one designed to give the player exactly
the experience he previously could only imagine, and
to share that experience with others in a collaborative
is a set of rules, guidelines, and advice
you can use to run superhero campaigns in the style
of your favorite comic books — or, if your tastes lean
toward other sources of superhero adventure, of car-
toons, movies, television shows, radio shows, or movie
is designed both for players expe-
rienced with superhero roleplaying and those who
are new to this style and genre of play. Nothing in
these pages is secret or for the GM’s eyes only, so
every reader can simply choose to read it all the way
through and then decide which portions he wants to
Chapter One,
Truth, Justice, And e American
Way : e Superhero Genre,
describes what superhero
comic books, and the campaigns based on them, are
like. Players who are familiar with the comic books
can skip this chapter initially, if they wish. ey
already know many of the genre conventions this
chapter describes, but they should eventually return to
this chapter to read how the game tends to implement
those conventions. Players who are not familiar with
superhero comic books should defi nitely read Chapter
So fetch your impossibly bright, ridiculously
bulletproof underwear from the dryer and prepare
to have some fun!
Chapter Two,
Improbable Origins: Character
talks about using the
HERO System
rules to
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