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//-->Happy Begins HereFIRM,FLATABSIn Just 3 MovesBEATJUNK FOODCRAVINGSReliefP. 24HOW SHEGOT THISBODYSTAY-SLIMSECRETSHollywoodChefsTOPNATURALCURESfromAshleyGreeneHOTTERSEX10GORGEOUSFOODSFORHAIR&SKINJ U LY/AU GUST 201 5 HE ALTH .COM(The Easy Way)WHENTO SKIPTHE DOC®.ON THE COVER78201282411075126FIRM, FLAT ABSHOTTER SEX10 FOODS FORGORGEOUS HAIR & SKINBEAT JUNK FOODCRAVINGSASHLEY GREENE: HOWSHE GOT THIS BODYSTAY-SLIM SECRETSFROM HOLLYWOODCHEFSTOP NATURAL CURES:WHEN TO SKIP THE DOCFEATURES110ASHLEY IS ONE OF USAshley Greeneloves mind-clearingworkouts andgrounded friends.MAKE IT TO GOForget $10 saladsat lunch: Theseportable meals arequick, easy—andpretty, too!THE EVERYTHING GUIDETO FIRST AIDYou reallycanbe prepared foralmost any kind ofemergency.EAT YOUR WAYGORGEOUSMore than a snack,these foods are majorbeauty boosters.116122128Cover photography by Matthias Vriens-McGrath.Styling by Karen Shapiro. Hair by DavidBabaii at TraceyMattingly.com. Makeupby Francesca Tolot/Cloutier Remix.Manicure by Nettie Davis.To get Ashley’s gorgeous look, trythese L’Oréal Paris products: InfalliblePro-Matte Foundation, True Match LumiPowder Glow Illuminator, Colour Riche LaLacque Pen in Coco-Lacque, Colour RicheLa Palette Nude, Brow Stylist Designer inBrunette, Voluminous Miss Manga BlackAngel Mascara; at mass retailers.For Ashley’s hairstyle, try these L’OréalParis products: Advanced Haircare BlowDry It Quick Dry Primer Spray, AdvancedHaircare Boost It High Lift Creation Sprayand Advanced Haircare Nutri-Gloss HighShine Glossing Mist; at mass retailers.Clothing, cover: Silence + Noise top;urbanoutfitters.com. Elie Tahari leatherjacket; elietahari.com. Hudson jeans;hudsonjeans.com. Necklace by LYV,stylist’s own. Clothing, this page: IsabelMarant dress; Barneys New York.“It’s your destiny—it’s up to you whatyou want to do.”—ASHLEY GREENE110PHOTOGRAPHY BY MATTHIAS VRIENS-MCGRATH1july/aug ’15CONTENTS78DO MORE FOR YOUR COREPilates-style moves forsuper-solid abs.LIVE HEALTHY81879195HEALTH BLOGGERS YOU’LL LOVEClick here for live-wellinspiration.OUR DOC WILL SEE YOU NOWDr. Raj tackles breasts,sleep and more.THE BEST PETS FOR YOURHEALTHFido and friends help yourheart, mood and waistline.THE REAL REASON YOU’RE NOTLOSING WEIGHTHint: Your blood sugarmay be part of the problem.31LOVE YOUR LOOKS313743Get shine-free skin withnew beautyfaves.54NatalieJill left awhopping62 poundsbehind.BEAT THE HEAT, BEAUTIFULLYKeep your makeup lookingfresh in the summer sun.COLOR CRUSHESLight and bright takes onhot mani-pedi shades.JILL, JOHN TRICE; MAKEUP, LISA SHIN; ASIAN SHRIMP SALAD, TRAVIS RATHBONE; PILL, DAVID CROCKETT/GETTY IMAGESBEACHY WAVES, YOUR WAYGet chic, tousled strands,no matter your hair type.BEST SHAPE475461636975MAKE OVER MY...ROAD TRIP FOODHungry while driving? Trythese RD-approved meals.THE BABY-WEIGHT WHISPERERNatalie Jill said bye-bye topregnancy pounds—andhello to a new career.RIGHT ON TRACKCount steps and more withthese sleek trackers.GET ROCK-STAR ARMSRIGHT NOWTracy Anderson’s tips fortank-top season.A RUNNING VACATIONREBOOTED MY SPIRITHow an active trip helpedone woman face her fears.SKINNY UP SECRETS FROMHOLLYWOOD CHEFSThe lowdown on howcelebs eat slim at home.116Packablemeals foreating wellon the go.81IN EVERY ISSUEWorth afollow: topwellnessfeeds.99103THE SKIN PROBLEM YOU WON’THAVE THIS SUMMERDon’t let your facial flushbring you down.YOUR EYES: A USER’S MANUALHow bad is itreallyto sleepin contacts? Find out here.47813FROM THE EDITORNEW FROM HEALTH@CROWDSOURCEDBEST LIFE NOWThe most useful newsin health, beauty, well-being, nutrition andfitness.MIX IT UP: FRO-YOGREAT FOOD133THESE DESSERTS HAVE ASECRETThey may taste decadent,but they’re made with oh-so-nutritious ingredients.138Health®,July/August 2015. Volume 29, Number 6.Health(ISSN 1059-938x) is published monthly, except forcombined issues January/February and July/August, by Health Media Ventures Inc., 2100 Lakeshore Drive,Birmingham, AL 35209. Copyright © 2015 by Health Media Ventures Inc. All rights reserved.Healthis aregistered trademark of Health Media Ventures Inc. Printed in USA. U.S. subscriptions: $16.50/year.Periodicals postage paid at Birmingham, Alabama, and additional mailing offices. Canada Post PublicationsMail Agreement #40110178. Return undeliverable Canada addresses to Postal Station A, P.O. Box 4015,Toronto, ON M5W 2T2. GST #8605024 83RT0001. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Health, P.O. Box62376, Tampa, FL 33662-3768. Subscription information and address changes: Call 800-274-2522.2HEALTH.COMJULY/AUGUST 2015Naturally Beautiful ResultsSheer bliss.Moisture with a feather-light touch.Introducing New AVEENO Sheer Hydration. The exclusiveACTIVE NATURALS Oat formula goes on feather-light. Absorbs inseconds. Keeps skin soft and healthy-looking. Sometimes, less is more.®®aveeno.com© Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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