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//-->Happy Begins HereLOSE5 LBSNOWGeniusNo-DietTricksSoft! Shiny! Easy!IN JUST 1 MOVEA FLATBELLYVICTORIAJUSTICENo MoreYo-YoWeightWoesBEST HAIROF YOUR LIFEEnd ItWith YogaBOOB JOBSGONE WRONGBACKPAIN?HEALTHMYTHSEVEN DOCSBELIEVENOVEMBER 201 5©2015 P&G“I’LL NEVERLOOK BACKI WILL JUSTLOOKYOUNGER ”Now with morevitamins thanthe leadingprestige moisturizer.Try OlayTotal Eects 7-in-One,from the world’s #1.In just 4 weeks,skin looks up to10 years younger.Your best beautiful begins at Olay.com*Based on mass-market facial moisturizer and cleanser dollar sales for the past 12 months.nov ’15VOL. 29, NO. 9ON THE COVER45277114210860120LOSE 5 LBS NOWBEST HAIR OFYOUR LIFEHEALTH MYTHSEVEN DOCS BELIEVEA FLAT BELLY INJUST 1 MOVEVICTORIA JUSTICE:NO MORE YO-YOWEIGHT WOESBACK PAIN? END ITWITH YOGABOOB JOBS GONE WRONGIN EVERY ISSUE46913FROM THE EDITOR@CROWDSOURCEDNEW FROM HEALTHBEST LIFE NOWThe most usefulnews in well-being,nutrition, health,beauty and tness.MIX IT UP: PUSH-UPS142“It’s important to take timefor yourself and your body.If you don’t feel healthy,nothing else matters.”—VICTORIA JUSTICE108PHOTOGRAPHY BY JAMES WHITECOVER PHOTOGRAPHY BY JAMES WHITE. Styling by Karen Shapiro. Hair by Philip Carreon at Crosby Carter Management. Makeup by Matthew VanLeeuwen at The Wall Group. Manicure by Chelsea King for Celestine Agency.To get Victoria’s fresh look, use these Neutrogena products: Healthy Skin Liquid Makeup Broad Spectrum SPF 20 in Nude, Healthy Skin Blush in Rosy, Nourishing Longwear Eye Shadow in Mink Brown, Healthy VolumeMascara in Carbon Black and MoistureSmooth Color Stick in Warm Caramel; at Walgreens. For Victoria’s hairstyle, try these Pantene products: Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo and Conditioner and Sheer Volume Volume Up!Hairspray; at mass retailers. Clothing, cover: L Space green one-piece; lspace.com. Current/ Elliott denim shirt; currentelliott.com. Stanmore Verses ring in Pink Opal; stanmorenyc.com. Pascale Monvoisin Joaillerie turquoise-and-bone bracelet; 888-729-1147 for information. Nancy Caten gold chain bracelet; nancycaten.com. Clothing, this page: Ashish lace slip dress; 305-864-0202 for information. Augden sweater; augden.com for retailers.1nov ’15CONTENTSFEATURES108114120128NEXT-LEVEL VICTORIAVictoria Justice shares hertop health challenge andnatural-living tips.SUPERFOOD SIDESAdd a nutritious kick toyour Thanksgiving feast.THE (UN)BOOB JOBWhy women are dumpingtheir implants.COLOR REFRESHYour guide to rocking hotnew hair looks.57Craveadventure?See how ourwriter foundfun again.LOVE YOUR LOOKS273337TAKE YEARS OFF YOUR HAIRFour ways to get super-healthy strands.FIND YOUR NEW LIP FIXThis will make you smile.GET DOWN ON ITBrave the cold withoutsacricing style.BEST SHAPE455357THE NO-DIET DIETYour zero-deprivationguide to holiday weight loss.THE WORKOUT YOU NEEDRIGHT NOWTracy Anderson on what’smissing from your routine.A SKI ADVENTURE FREEDTHE OLD MEHow one burned-out momgot her energy back.6066NO MORE KNOTSNeck and back aches, gone!JUST BAG ITUpgrade your gym tote.717885879295995 MYTHS EVEN DOCTORSBELIEVEDon’t fall for them!OUR DOC WILL SEE YOU NOWDr. Raj on headaches,mystery tears and more.THE HEALTH RISK YOU DON’TKNOW YOU HAVEThe surprising truth aboutthin women and diabetes.ALL BACKED UP?Your biggest bathroomcomplaint, solved.NOT THE SAME OLD CHICKENDinner with a zesty twist.IS YOUR PET WRECKINGYOUR SLEEP?Stop losing z’s because ofyour furry friend.YOUR JOINTS: A USER’SMANUALThe right ways to preventpain and swelling.LIVE HEALTHYDry lips?Fadingcolor? Notanymore!6037Let go oftension forgood.GREAT FOOD135TASTY, HEALTHY,FASTWholesome meals thatwon’t take you hours.GET PLUGGED-IN!The best gizmos for yourcooking needs.The perfectpuffer forevery shape.1402MAKEUP AND JACKET, WILL STYER; MCGEE, ALEX BEAUCHESNE; SKIING, LORI ADAMSKI PEEK/GETTY IMAGES3310WHO’S TAKING CARE OFYOU?Gail Saltz, MD, on how togive…to yourself.Scientic evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturatedfat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. A one-ounce handful has 13g of unsaturated fat and only 1g of saturated fat.

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