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//-->THE MAGAZINE DIETITIANS RECOMMENDAUSTRALIANwww.healthyfoodguide.com.auEXPERTADVICEJULY 2014Banw& maLors-kJsh!geWEIGHTthe high-fibre diet thatkeeps you satisfied!Your guide toLOSETHE BESTSNACKSHowhormonescontrol yourmetabolismeasy, healthySpanish beanomelettep43NourishingPROTEINHIGHEveryday mealsHearty casserolesOne-minute desserts!RECIPESSHOPPING ADVICEProtein supplementsHealthy sausagesBetter sandwichesTop morning teasSeed-crustedsalmon, p52Choc pudding ina mug, p67Creamy fishpies, p40QUESTIONWhere can you find a foodthat provides:Protein for musclesCalcium for bonesPhosphorous for teethIs absolutely delicious, andIs not linked with weight gain?*””*ANSWEREasy! Dairy. It’s Legendairy.””As part of a healthy balanced diet, milk, cheese and yogurt are not linkedwith weight gain.NHMRC (2013) Australian Dietary Guidelines.Canberra, Australia.BreakfastSmoothieLemon Yogurt Pots& Minted Strawberr iesenQuinoa, Chick& Feta SaladGOOD SOURCEOF CALCIUMIODINE, B12& RIBOFLAVIN.MULTIVITAMIN!It’s nature’splusA cup of milkis aA delicious,low GI package ofA compact hit ofVITAMINS& MINERALSwithCALCIUM& PROTEIN,cheese isPROTEIN& PROBIOTICS.Yogurt is nature’sNATURE’STASTIESTGO-TO SNACKor additionto any meal.SUPERFOOD!LEGENDAIRY.COM.AU/HEALTHYRECIPESTo order your freehealthy recipes book, go toThe Dairy KitchenTHE MAGAZINE DIETITIANS RECOMMENDAUSTRALIANwww.healthyfoodguide.com.auEXPERTADVICEJULY 2014 $5.60(incl. GST)BangLow-kJh!ers & masWEIGHTthe high-fibre diet thatkeeps you satisfied!Your guide toLOSETHE BESTSNACKSHowhormonescontrol yourmetabolismeasy, healthySpanish beanomelettep43NourishingPROTEINHIGHEveryday mealsHearty casserolesOne-minute desserts!RECIPESSHOPPING ADVICEProtein supplementsHealthy sausagesBetter sandwichesTop morning teasSeed-crusted salmon, p52Choc puddingin a mug, p67Creamy fishpies, p40contentsJULY 2014ON THE COVER38LOW-kJ BANGERS & MASH!This cold-weather comfort foodwill please the whole family84EXPERT ADVICE: LOSEWEIGHTThe high-fibre dietthat keeps you satisfied!72YOUR GUIDE TO THEBEST SNACKSThe right bitescan keep you satisfied betweenmeals and prevent overeating76HOW HORMONESCONTROL YOUR METABOLISMEASY, HEALTHY RECIPES52Everyday meals44Hearty casseroles66One-minute desserts!SHOPPING ADVICE90PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS32HEALTHY SAUSAGES30BETTER SANDWICHES28TOP MORNING TEASFish pies withfennel & leek407276THE RIGHT WAYTO SNACKEnjoyenergising between-meal bitesFEATURESRECIPESHORMONES GONEHAYWIRE? FIX YOURMOOD WITH THE RIGHT FOODRestore your body’s balance withsimple diet and lifestyle tweaksTHE BEST SNACKBARS: MEET THEFINALISTSSee what’s competingfor the Best Snack Bar title in our2014 Healthy Food AwardsFILL UP ON FIBREAND LOSE WEIGHTMake every meal more satisfyingwith fibre, and try our 7-day plan828490DO YOUNEED PROTEINSUPPLEMENTS?We explainwhat’s essential and what’s extra36WINTER FAVOURITESClassicfamily-friendly meals go light onfat and heavy on satisfaction42A QUIET NIGHT INDine onlow-kJ comfort food solo or à deux44SLOW FOODWith a little time,these meals load up on flavour48HEY PRESTO!Your sandwichpress makes meals in minutes!50SWEET MAKEOVER: BREAD& BUTTER PUDDINGSavourluscious custard-filled, low-fat pud525pm PANICPlate up healthyweeknight meals in 30 minutes58KALE & HEARTYGet creativewith kale, the greenest of greens62SPROUT: CELEBRATECHRISTMAS IN JULY!Say cheersto midwinter with festive mealsfull of flavour, not kilojoules66PUD IN A MUG!Cosy up toa warm treat in just 90 seconds!69FOOD FOR FUSSY EATERSThis fruit–choc muesli slice giveskids a low-fat sweet fixWe’d love to hear your thoughts — email us at editor@healthyfoodguide.com.auJULY 2014HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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