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//-->PRACTICAL IDEASFROM THE EXPERTShealthyfood.co.ukONE-TRAYROASTCHICKENSUPPERLOWERyourCANCER RISKLatest diet & lifestyle adviceSCIENCE UPDATEOCTOBER 2016 £3.20WHY HUNGERMAKES youANGRYTHE GREATGLUTEN-FREEBAKE OFFHealthy sweet treats!NUTRITION GUIDEVITAMIN C4Dukkah chickenand vegetable bakeEasy waysto boostyour intake1 0772045 822039PLUSFIBRERevealed!lin that rice pouchlHERBAL TEAS forevery complaintlSimple mealswith ARTICHOKESSweet potato‘lasagne’ChocolatemuffinsAnjum Anand’s lighterIndian supper9green teas and herbal infusionsWith over 90 years of herbal expertise, we are proud to use only the finest natural andorganic ingredients known for theirtherapeuticandrejuvenatingproperties.TA L K I N G P O I N T ShfgWELCOMEGimproved no end. At Whole Foods Market recently, I found anawe-inspiring array of gluten-free pastas – black soya bean,red lentil, edamame… AndMAINSTREAM SUPERMARKETS AREEXPANDINGon staples such as flours, cereals and pastas, too.What remains a challenge is baking. Shop bought gluten-free cakes and biscuits that taste great tend to beLOADEDWITH FAT AND SUGARto make up for the dry textureyou often get when gluten is left out.HFG recipe consultantPHIL MUNDYWITH THANKS TO GEMMA DOYLE, SARA NORMAN. COVER PHOTO OF ANJUM ANAND: JONATHAN GREGSONOING GLUTEN FREE ISN’T EASY. People whohave been diagnosed with coeliac disease ora gluten intolerance can vouch for that. However,THE RANGE OF GLUTEN-FREE PRODUCTS AVAILABLEhasOVERCOMESthe most common homecook’s dilemmas in this month’s guide(p27). His insider tips, picked upover the years, can help you turna crumbly, dry or sunken cakeinto a triumph.GET ACTIVE FOR CHARITYOn the fitness front,THE TEAM HAVE BEEN GOINGPLACES– on two wheels. Two of us (myself andsenior sub-editor Rebecca Almond) have signed up forACTION FOR CHARITY’S WOMEN V CANCER RIDE THE NIGHTchallengein London on 27 May 2017. We’re already in training as it’s100km! Most of us know someone who has had or is battlingthis cruel disease, and it’s a good way to raise funds in theirname. You can find out about the charity’s events atactionforcharity.co.uk. Meanwhile, youcanREAD ABOUT 10 WAYS TO LOWER YOURRISK OF CANCER(p16).MELANIE LEYSHON, EDITOROCTOBER 2016HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE3CO N T E N T SIN THIS MONTH’SOCTOBERp51p63p16p22p27p92p46p48p76p60TALKING POINTS3Editor’s letter6Meet our experts8Let’s talk…94How I stay healthySport Reliefcelebrity coach Greg Whytep43p68p6474Weight loss starHow Carol lost2�½stand improved her health82It’s so good to stretchThe newworkout trend everyone can do92Why we need vitamin CHEALTH & NUTRITION10Health notes1610 ways to cut your cancerriskLatest expert diet advice22The science of ‘hangry’How to stop flying off thehandle when you’re hungryRECIPES32October recipe index34Your monthly diet planner38Gluten-free breakfasts to fuelyour day42Weeknight meals50Easy dinners(lunch included)596pm panic60Put it on the menuGlobe artichokes63Dinner for oneOur low-caloriecover recipe can be easilyupscaled to a family meal!64Anjum Anand’s lighterIndian supper68Extreme makeoverChocolate muffins70Portable pudsEasy jar recipesSHOPPING12Seasonal ways to five-a-day14This month we love4HEALTHY FOOD GUIDEOCTOBER 2016ISSUEp64p82EYE TO EYE MEDIA LTD, Axe & Bottle Court,70 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1YTSUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES 01795 414778Healthyfood.co.uk/subscribeEDITORIAL ENQUIRIES 020 7803 4128FAX 020 7803 4101EMAIL Info@healthyfood.co.ukWEB Healthyfood.co.ukEditorMelanie LeyshonArt directorTina BettsAssistant editorLiz AtkinsSenior sub editorRebecca AlmondEditorial assistant/writerLaura DayWeb assistantIsabella BradfordNutrition consultantJuliette KellowRecipe consultantPhil MundyADVERTISING SALESAd directorJason Elson 020 7150 5397Senior salesLaura Collinder 020 7150 5043Group head, partnershipsJosh Jalloul 020 7150 5040Regional business development managerNicola Rearden 0161 209 3629p55p72Managing directorSeamus Geoghegan 020 7803 4123seamus@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukPublishing directorAdrienne Moyce 020 7803 4111adrienne.moyce@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukConsultant editorial directorJo SandilandsCirculation directorOwen Arnot 020 7803 4121Production directorJake Hopkins 020 7803 4110Marketing consultantJulia Rich 020 7803 4129Finance directorGary Pickettgary.pickett@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukFinance managerAdam Wright 01733 373135adam.wright@eyetoeyemedia.co.ukHealthy Food Guide magazine is publishedby Eye to Eye Media Ltd, Axe & Bottle Court,70 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1YT, underlicence from Healthy Life Media InternationalLimited and its content includes copyright materialwhich is owned or controlled by, and is reproducedunder licence from, Healthy Life Media InternationalLimited. The title Healthy Food Guide and the HealthyFood Guide logo are trade marks owned by, and usedunder licence from, Healthy Life Media InternationalLimited. The views and opinions expressed in thispublication are not necessarily those of Healthy LifeMedia International Limited, its subsidiaries, affiliatesor contributors.For licensing enquiries contactPhil Ryan, Healthy Life Media International,phil.ryan@hlmedia.co.nz.27Your guide to healthy gluten-free bakingTips and recipesfrom our recipe consultant48How much fibre in readyto heat rice?57What’s the deal withseaweed?76It’s always tea time!Herbalteas to make you feel better81Broccoli vs tenderstem89Subscribe to HFG for less91Coming up in next month’sissueOn sale 1 November96References97Nutrition lowdown985 top facts to take awayREAD MORE ONLINEFind hundreds of healthyrecipes, health features andblogs about health trends atDON’T MISS87Win a stay at Champneys fortwo!Worth up to £510HEALTHYFOOD.CO.UKISSN 2045-8223. Printed in the UK by Southernprint Ltd.Colour origination by Rhapsody. Copyright Eye to EyeMedia Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole orpart prohibited without permission. The publisherscannot accept responsibility for errors in advertisements,articles, photographs or illustrations. Eye to Eye MediaLtd is a registered data user whose entries in the DataProtection Register contain descriptions of sources anddisclosures of personal data. This paper is manufacturedusing pulp taken from well-managed, certified forests.All prices correct at time of going to press. UK basicannual subscription rate for 12 issues, £38.40; Europeand Eire, £55; rest of the world, £60. Back issues cost £5.Member of the Audit Bureau Of Circulations. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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