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//-->AUSTRALIANPRACTICAL IDEASFROM THE EXPERTSDair y-free,dlyiend i a b e t e s - f rr ia n&vegetaPLUShealthyfoodguide.com.auOCTOBER 2015recipes!CHOLESTEROLEXPERT ADVICELOWER YOURthe diet thatreallyworks!& lose weight!wonder food or fad?dietitian's picksFEEL FULLCoconut oilBEST BREKKIECEREALSSPECIAL REPORTGluten-freePROTEINHIGHWhat toeatafter exerciseThai chicken patties!p5950+RECIPES62✓approved!dietitianShopping adviceSugar in peanut butterSalt shockers!Canned spaghettivs baked beans66Healthy schnitzel76Berry banana cakeSalmon & veg pizzaAUSTRALIANPRACTICAL IDEASFROM THE EXPERTSDairy-free,yndldiabetes-frie&vegetarianPLUShealthyfoodguide com auOCTOBER 2015$5.99(inclGST)recipes!CHOLESTEROLEXPERT ADVICELOWER YOURthe diet thatreallyworks!& lose weight!wonder food or fad?dietitian's picksFEEL FULLCoconut oilBEST BREKKIECEREALSSPECIAL REPORTGluten-freePROTEINHIGHWhat toeatafter exerciseThai chicken patties!p5950+RECIPES✓Shopping adviceSugar in peanut butterSalt shockers!Canned spaghettivs baked beans62Salmon & veg pizzaoved!ietitian appr66Healthy schnitzel76Berry banana cakecontentsOCTOBER 2015ON THE COVER44LOWER YOURCHOLESTEROL: THE DIETTHAT REALLY WORKS!Thefoods that support your heart36EXPERT ADVICE: FEELFULL & LOSE WEIGHT!Findout the secrets to lasting satiety15COCONUT OIL: WONDERFOOD OR FAD?See the factson how popular oils compare26DIETITIAN’S PICKS: BESTBREKKIE CEREALSDiscoverwhich brands are best for you42SPECIAL REPORT: WHATTO EAT AFTER EXERCISEKnow the ideal foods to refuelSHOPPING ADVICE28SUGAR IN PEANUTBUTTER19SALT SHOCKERS!23CANNED SPAGHETTI VSBAKED BEANSSalmon, mushroom& ricotta pizza62RECIPES52FRESH & FILLINGKeephunger at bay with these freshand heathy weeknight meals thatare bursting with in-season veg!60TOP THIS!A step-by-stepguide to perfect home-madepizza bases — plus four tastytoppings that are far healthierthan anything from a box!66HFGMAKEOVER: PUBSCHNITZELTreat yourself to thisclassic with just one third of thekJs and a fraction of the salt!68IT’S LUNCH TIME!Try thesefilling, high-protein midday meals72LIGHT DELIGHTSSharethese naturally sweet fruity treats78MEAL FOR ONESavour thiscreamy mustard chicken dish!805pm PANICRelax — our easymeals are ready in 30 minutes!87FOOD FOR FUSSY EATERSCombat your little one’s sweettooth with this fun, fruity snackFEATURES36THE FULLNESSFACTORDiscover thefoods that create long-lastingsatiety and learn how to makebetter food choices that willreduce hunger and help youmaintain a healthy weight42FUEL YOURWORKOUT: THERIGHT FOOD FOR EXERCISEWhether you’re a walker or agym-goer, learn what foods toeat before and after exerciseto restore muscles and energyTHE DIETTHAT LOWERSCHOLESTEROLTake heart, thiseating plan is scientifically provento be as effective as statins inlowering your blood cholesterol.See what foods to add into yourdaily diet and reap the rewards!44We’d love to hear your thoughts — email us at editor@healthyfoodguide.com.auOCTOBER 2015HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE3Tandoori salmonwith coriander rice58Choc-peanut slice76Delicake packseach worthSHOPPING17HOW TO USE …LEMONGRASSSimple tips tohelp you use this fragrant stalk!18SHOPPING NEWSTry thesehealthy new products in-store!20NOW IN SEASON! PEASThis popular veg is at its best23THIS vs THATWe comparetinned spaghetti and beans25LABEL DETECTIVE: THETRUTH ABOUT FOOD LABELSWhat you need to know aboutthe accuracy of the kJs on packs26FIND YOUR BESTBREAKFAST CEREALEighthealthy ways to start your day!28HOW MUCH SUGAR IS INTHAT NUT SPREAD?301 HOUR TO A HEALTHYWEEK!5 ways to prep for success322015 HEALTHY FOODAWARDSSneak preview!8WELCOME10YOUR SAYShare yourfood pics and views with usand you could win a prize!12NEWS BITESGet thefreshest health and food news,including our perspective onthe latest coconut oil craze86LUNCH BOX HEROESShare your lunch box snapsand your kids can win a prize!88YOUR FEEL-FULLWEIGHT-LOSS MEAL PLANLose weight with our dietitian’ssatisfying seven-day meal plan!90SUBSCRIPTIONSPECIAL OFFERWin one of25 fabulous Delicake packs!95YOUR DAILYNUTRITION GUIDELearnhow to estimate your dailydietary requirements96REFERENCES9810 THINGSyou’lldiscover in this issue99RECIPE INDEXREGULARSWINOne of 25$70!Subscribe for yourchance to WIN oneof 25 Delicake packs!Delicake is a stylish, non-bakepremium cakeware product. Youcan prepare, set and serve yourdesserts with ease. It also comeswith a cake knife and spatula.Healthy Food Guideis packedwith healthy recipes and expertadvice. Subscribe today to savemore than $34 off the cover price!For more information, see p90.Send your letters to …editor@healthyfoodguide.com.auor write toHealthy Food Guidemagazine, Locked Bag 5555,St Leonards NSW 15904www.healthyfoodguide.com.auHealthy cookware has a name: GreenPan!All GreenPan products feature a 100% PFOA free, patented Thermolon™ non-stick coating, made fromnatural minerals, that will never blister, peel or release harmful toxic fumes into your family kitchen.GreenPan Stockholm$149RRP $249|SAVE$100DLYPROU Y AED BBACKFETIMELITRUERANTYWAR20cm & 28cm Frypan SetWith BONUSGlass Lid!PFOALEADCAD-MIUMHEALTHY CERAMICNON-STICK [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->AUSTRALIANPRACTICAL IDEASFROM THE EXPERTSDair y-free,dlyiend i a b e t e s - f rr ia n&vegetaPLUShealthyfoodguide.com.auOCTOBER 2015recipes!CHOLESTEROLEXPERT ADVICELOWER YOURthe diet thatreallyworks!& lose weight!wonder food or fad?dietitian's picksFEEL FULLCoconut oilBEST BREKKIECEREALSSPECIAL REPORTGluten-freePROTEINHIGHWhat toeatafter exerciseThai chicken patties!p5950+RECIPES62✓approved!dietitianShopping adviceSugar in peanut butterSalt shockers!Canned spaghettivs baked beans66Healthy schnitzel76Berry banana cakeSalmon & veg pizzaAUSTRALIANPRACTICAL IDEASFROM THE EXPERTSDairy-free,yndldiabetes-frie&vegetarianPLUShealthyfoodguide com auOCTOBER 2015$5.99(inclGST)recipes!CHOLESTEROLEXPERT ADVICELOWER YOURthe diet thatreallyworks!& lose weight!wonder food or fad?dietitian's picksFEEL FULLCoconut oilBEST BREKKIECEREALSSPECIAL REPORTGluten-freePROTEINHIGHWhat toeatafter exerciseThai chicken patties!p5950+RECIPES✓Shopping adviceSugar in peanut butterSalt shockers!Canned spaghettivs baked beans62Salmon & veg pizzaoved!ietitian appr66Healthy schnitzel76Berry banana cakecontentsOCTOBER 2015ON THE COVER44LOWER YOURCHOLESTEROL: THE DIETTHAT REALLY WORKS!Thefoods that support your heart36EXPERT ADVICE: FEELFULL & LOSE WEIGHT!Findout the secrets to lasting satiety15COCONUT OIL: WONDERFOOD OR FAD?See the factson how popular oils compare26DIETITIAN’S PICKS: BESTBREKKIE CEREALSDiscoverwhich brands are best for you42SPECIAL REPORT: WHATTO EAT AFTER EXERCISEKnow the ideal foods to refuelSHOPPING ADVICE28SUGAR IN PEANUTBUTTER19SALT SHOCKERS!23CANNED SPAGHETTI VSBAKED BEANSSalmon, mushroom& ricotta pizza62RECIPES52FRESH & FILLINGKeephunger at bay with these freshand heathy weeknight meals thatare bursting with in-season veg!60TOP THIS!A step-by-stepguide to perfect home-madepizza bases — plus four tastytoppings that are far healthierthan anything from a box!66HFGMAKEOVER: PUBSCHNITZELTreat yourself to thisclassic with just one third of thekJs and a fraction of the salt!68IT’S LUNCH TIME!Try thesefilling, high-protein midday meals72LIGHT DELIGHTSSharethese naturally sweet fruity treats78MEAL FOR ONESavour thiscreamy mustard chicken dish!805pm PANICRelax — our easymeals are ready in 30 minutes!87FOOD FOR FUSSY EATERSCombat your little one’s sweettooth with this fun, fruity snackFEATURES36THE FULLNESSFACTORDiscover thefoods that create long-lastingsatiety and learn how to makebetter food choices that willreduce hunger and help youmaintain a healthy weight42FUEL YOURWORKOUT: THERIGHT FOOD FOR EXERCISEWhether you’re a walker or agym-goer, learn what foods toeat before and after exerciseto restore muscles and energyTHE DIETTHAT LOWERSCHOLESTEROLTake heart, thiseating plan is scientifically provento be as effective as statins inlowering your blood cholesterol.See what foods to add into yourdaily diet and reap the rewards!44We’d love to hear your thoughts — email us at editor@healthyfoodguide.com.auOCTOBER 2015HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE3Tandoori salmonwith coriander rice58Choc-peanut slice76Delicake packseach worthSHOPPING17HOW TO USE …LEMONGRASSSimple tips tohelp you use this fragrant stalk!18SHOPPING NEWSTry thesehealthy new products in-store!20NOW IN SEASON! PEASThis popular veg is at its best23THIS vs THATWe comparetinned spaghetti and beans25LABEL DETECTIVE: THETRUTH ABOUT FOOD LABELSWhat you need to know aboutthe accuracy of the kJs on packs26FIND YOUR BESTBREAKFAST CEREALEighthealthy ways to start your day!28HOW MUCH SUGAR IS INTHAT NUT SPREAD?301 HOUR TO A HEALTHYWEEK!5 ways to prep for success322015 HEALTHY FOODAWARDSSneak preview!8WELCOME10YOUR SAYShare yourfood pics and views with usand you could win a prize!12NEWS BITESGet thefreshest health and food news,including our perspective onthe latest coconut oil craze86LUNCH BOX HEROESShare your lunch box snapsand your kids can win a prize!88YOUR FEEL-FULLWEIGHT-LOSS MEAL PLANLose weight with our dietitian’ssatisfying seven-day meal plan!90SUBSCRIPTIONSPECIAL OFFERWin one of25 fabulous Delicake packs!95YOUR DAILYNUTRITION GUIDELearnhow to estimate your dailydietary requirements96REFERENCES9810 THINGSyou’lldiscover in this issue99RECIPE INDEXREGULARSWINOne of 25$70!Subscribe for yourchance to WIN oneof 25 Delicake packs!Delicake is a stylish, non-bakepremium cakeware product. Youcan prepare, set and serve yourdesserts with ease. It also comeswith a cake knife and spatula.Healthy Food Guideis packedwith healthy recipes and expertadvice. Subscribe today to savemore than $34 off the cover price!For more information, see p90.Send your letters to …editor@healthyfoodguide.com.auor write toHealthy Food Guidemagazine, Locked Bag 5555,St Leonards NSW 15904www.healthyfoodguide.com.auHealthy cookware has a name: GreenPan!All GreenPan products feature a 100% PFOA free, patented Thermolon™ non-stick coating, made fromnatural minerals, that will never blister, peel or release harmful toxic fumes into your family kitchen.GreenPan Stockholm$149RRP $249|SAVE$100DLYPROU Y AED BBACKFETIMELITRUERANTYWAR20cm & 28cm Frypan SetWith BONUSGlass Lid!PFOALEADCAD-MIUMHEALTHY CERAMICNON-STICK [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]