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//-->gameofthronesis back!Ja mea seo eco ld ds seasoHEATWORLD.COMCORRIE’SBROOKEha essee ng eun n hepape sTHE88123 - 29THE2016GOOD.AprilMAD.THE UNMISSABLE.IssueExclusive!Geordie shore’s marnieBISEXUALI DO ’ANT TO L EANY ORE’JB’S STILL WEARINGHIS RINGPARANOID KIM‘ Y SISTERSARE PLOTTINGTO PUSHKANYE OUT’¤2.90; FranceGermany ¤4.40;£1.65Spain & CanariesGreece €3.30 ¤3.40;Cheryl’s bitterdivorce battlec re itill r in thinith Li’Taylor Swiftwas the coverstar of USVogueIssue 88123-29 April 2016thefamous4coverAsherdivorcegetsmessy,CherylfearsforherfuturewithLiam8coverKimandKanyeare feeling the strain astheKardashian familyheadintotherapy10coverGeordie Shore’sMarnietalks aboutcoming out as bisexualfor the first time14TaylorandCalvinclash over the prenup – eventhough he hasn’t proposed!17IsVickyregrettingditchingSpenceralready?27The VoicewinnerKevinSimmontheperilsoffameandwhat’snextforhim42coverWe chat toCorrie’sBrooke Vincentabout being famous ata young age and takingselfies with fansYou’re havinga laugh if youthink i’m walkingin these heelspersonal shopper52The style team roundup this week’s key buys56coverDiscover spring’sbiggesttrends allunder£5061TheBeautyRealistonbarnetboostersandsummerlippies62AllyouneedtostealLilyAldridge’sstyletheplaylistCOVER PICS: NICKY JOHNSTON; SPLASHNEWS.COM; XPOSUREPHOTOS.COM.PAGE 3 PICS: MERT ALAS AND MARCUS PIGGOTT/VOGUE70EntertainmentNews72coverGameOf Thrones’NikolajCoster-Waldautalksseasonsix74Films:wetakealookatthebigsummermoviestowatchoutfor,plusIdrisElba’slatestrelease84Theweek’stoptellyTURN TO PAGE 14 formore on taylorso much more than just a magazine – breathe in the goodness/heatworld@ heatworld23 – 29 APRIL 2016WWW.HEATWORLD.COM 3Chery’sDIVORCEtakes its tollon LiamAs J e an- Ber n a r dholds up divorceproceedings,Liam’s distancei s m a k in g Chery lq ue s t ion th e irf ut u r e toge th e rfter a series of loved up couple selfies,last week Cheryl Fernandez-Versiniand Liam Payne went on a dateto swanky London restaurant,Sexy Fish, lookinguncharacteristically tense.Andheatcan reveal it’sall because Cheryl, 32,is under stress as herdivorce proceedingsfrom Jean-Bernardintensify, and Liamis finding the whole situation diicult to deal with.Despite rumours that Cheryl and JB, 35, wereopting to have a no-nonsense quickie divorce, theFrenchman appeared to mean serious businesswhen he arrived in LA still wearing his weddingring to meet with lawyers. With an insidertellingheatthat the divorce with JB is draggingout as he’s “trying to cling onto his marriageto Cheryl”, his estranged wife immediatelydarted back from LA to the UK with Liam.However, rather than being a source ofstrength for Cheryl during this challengingtime, 22-year-old Liam’s reaction hasJB arrived in LAlast week – stillwearing his ring4 WWW.HEATWORLD.COM23 – 29 APRIL 2016FAMOUSen eating outat Sexy Fishcan’t cheer upthese two23 – 29 APRIL 2016WWW.HEATWORLD.COM 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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