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//-->‘I’m a veryNUMBER 1424•4 APRIL 2016•£2.00She is beautifuland elegant’EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWANDAMALTHE HOLLYWOODSTAR OPENSUP ABOUTLIFE WITH HIS‘WONDERFUL’ WIFETHE PEOPLE’S PRINCESPAIN: 3,60€.CANARY ISLANDS: 3,60€.PORTUGAL (CONT.): 3,60 €.ITALY: 3,60€.GREECE: 4,95€.GERMANY: 4,90€.FRANCE: 3,60€‘KING’ HARRY WINS HEARTS AS HESPEAKS UP FOR WOMEN IN NEPAL‘The peopleI have metand thebeauty of thiscountry makeit very hardto leave’·FRIENDSHIP·Celebrate her ESSENCE with the perfect gift.Discover the full ESSENCE COLLECTION at pandora.netthis week614161821232438404750PEOPLE IN THE NEWSPRINCESS CHARLENE OF MONACOhas fun withtwins Jacques and Gabriella on an Alpine getawayMARIAH CAREYtreats her two little treasures to aprivate shopping spree at a famous London toy storePIPPA MIDDLETONspeaks exclusively toHELLO!abouttaking part in a tough cross-country ski race in NorwayPRINCESSES BEATRICEandEUGENIEThe royalsisters reunite in the Big AppleBRADandANGELINAtake a break from filming toenjoy a family day out in London with their crewKIM KARDASHIANhas a cracking time on an Easteregg hunt with her little bunny North WestDANIELLE BUXkicks off her single life by talkingtigers, films and staying friends withGARY LINEKERTAMARA ECCLESTONEand husband Jay Rutland puttheir daughter Sophia first amid marriage rumoursBEN RICHARDSleavesHollyoaksto star inTheBodyguardand says protecting his family is his priorityJULIA BRADBURYon why we should support thehomeless after experiencing it first-hand for Sport ReliefGEORGE CLOONEYtells why life with his wifeAMALmakes him happier than everTHE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGEvisits Kenya to attend thewedding of his close palJECCA CRAIGPRINCE HARRYwins over millions of hearts during histour of Nepal – and stays on to do charity workTHE QUEENgives the gift of her smile to the nation asshe maintains the Maundy money traditionTOM HIDDLESTONon leading ladies – includingco-starELIZABETH OLSEN– and those Bond rumoursLADY ISABELLA HERVEYintroduces us to baby sonVictor at her stunning ancestral home Ickworth HouseGIGI HADIDandKATE HUDSONadd extra starquality to the Los Angeles Fashion AwardsMONACO’S FIRST FAMILYdazzles in glamorousgowns at the fairytale charity Rose Ball50HAIL AMAL57586672768266REIGNING SMILE86REGULARS30444648INSIDE STORYAll the celebrity newsPANORAMAWorld news in the frame7 DAYSA round-up of the week’s reportsCINEMATTERSRed-carpet glamour at theBatman vSupermanpremiere, withAmy Adamsto the foreINSIDE ENTERTAINMENTWe get the latest news onKimberly Wyatt, Dynamo and Anna FrielDIARYA window on the social sceneWORLD IN PICTURESSeeing is believing!HELLO! LOVESOur favourite thingsHELLO! SUBSCRIPTIONSUnbeatable savingsHOROSCOPESwith Jonathan Cainer – plusPUZZLESRICHARD ARNOLDcatches up with Keeley Hawes,plus theTO-DO LISTHELLO!’S HALF HOURwith Emily BluntWORLD7074849911011211311472LICENCE TO THRILLStarts on p93lifestyle48SUPER STYLE24facebook.com/helloBUX TO THE FUTURE76Fashion•Beauty•Wellbeing•Recipes•EntertainmentLADY’S DAY@hellomag@hellomaguk•For daily celebrity news, fashion, beauty and lots more, visithellomagazine.com•Get your copy ofHELLO!digitally on your computer or tablet. Visithellomagazine.com/digital-editionHELLO! LTDWellington House, 69-71 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PQ. Tel: 020-7667 8700 Fax: 020-7667 8716Readers with a news story please email: news@hellomagazine.comBACK ISSUES:01858-438-430SUBSCRIPTIONS:01858-438-430 email hello@subscription.co.uk [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->‘I’m a veryNUMBER 1424•4 APRIL 2016•£2.00She is beautifuland elegant’EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWANDAMALTHE HOLLYWOODSTAR OPENSUP ABOUTLIFE WITH HIS‘WONDERFUL’ WIFETHE PEOPLE’S PRINCESPAIN: 3,60€.CANARY ISLANDS: 3,60€.PORTUGAL (CONT.): 3,60 €.ITALY: 3,60€.GREECE: 4,95€.GERMANY: 4,90€.FRANCE: 3,60€‘KING’ HARRY WINS HEARTS AS HESPEAKS UP FOR WOMEN IN NEPAL‘The peopleI have metand thebeauty of thiscountry makeit very hardto leave’·FRIENDSHIP·Celebrate her ESSENCE with the perfect gift.Discover the full ESSENCE COLLECTION at pandora.netthis week614161821232438404750PEOPLE IN THE NEWSPRINCESS CHARLENE OF MONACOhas fun withtwins Jacques and Gabriella on an Alpine getawayMARIAH CAREYtreats her two little treasures to aprivate shopping spree at a famous London toy storePIPPA MIDDLETONspeaks exclusively toHELLO!abouttaking part in a tough cross-country ski race in NorwayPRINCESSES BEATRICEandEUGENIEThe royalsisters reunite in the Big AppleBRADandANGELINAtake a break from filming toenjoy a family day out in London with their crewKIM KARDASHIANhas a cracking time on an Easteregg hunt with her little bunny North WestDANIELLE BUXkicks off her single life by talkingtigers, films and staying friends withGARY LINEKERTAMARA ECCLESTONEand husband Jay Rutland puttheir daughter Sophia first amid marriage rumoursBEN RICHARDSleavesHollyoaksto star inTheBodyguardand says protecting his family is his priorityJULIA BRADBURYon why we should support thehomeless after experiencing it first-hand for Sport ReliefGEORGE CLOONEYtells why life with his wifeAMALmakes him happier than everTHE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGEvisits Kenya to attend thewedding of his close palJECCA CRAIGPRINCE HARRYwins over millions of hearts during histour of Nepal – and stays on to do charity workTHE QUEENgives the gift of her smile to the nation asshe maintains the Maundy money traditionTOM HIDDLESTONon leading ladies – includingco-starELIZABETH OLSEN– and those Bond rumoursLADY ISABELLA HERVEYintroduces us to baby sonVictor at her stunning ancestral home Ickworth HouseGIGI HADIDandKATE HUDSONadd extra starquality to the Los Angeles Fashion AwardsMONACO’S FIRST FAMILYdazzles in glamorousgowns at the fairytale charity Rose Ball50HAIL AMAL57586672768266REIGNING SMILE86REGULARS30444648INSIDE STORYAll the celebrity newsPANORAMAWorld news in the frame7 DAYSA round-up of the week’s reportsCINEMATTERSRed-carpet glamour at theBatman vSupermanpremiere, withAmy Adamsto the foreINSIDE ENTERTAINMENTWe get the latest news onKimberly Wyatt, Dynamo and Anna FrielDIARYA window on the social sceneWORLD IN PICTURESSeeing is believing!HELLO! LOVESOur favourite thingsHELLO! SUBSCRIPTIONSUnbeatable savingsHOROSCOPESwith Jonathan Cainer – plusPUZZLESRICHARD ARNOLDcatches up with Keeley Hawes,plus theTO-DO LISTHELLO!’S HALF HOURwith Emily BluntWORLD7074849911011211311472LICENCE TO THRILLStarts on p93lifestyle48SUPER STYLE24facebook.com/helloBUX TO THE FUTURE76Fashion•Beauty•Wellbeing•Recipes•EntertainmentLADY’S DAY@hellomag@hellomaguk•For daily celebrity news, fashion, beauty and lots more, visithellomagazine.com•Get your copy ofHELLO!digitally on your computer or tablet. Visithellomagazine.com/digital-editionHELLO! LTDWellington House, 69-71 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PQ. Tel: 020-7667 8700 Fax: 020-7667 8716Readers with a news story please email: news@hellomagazine.comBACK ISSUES:01858-438-430SUBSCRIPTIONS:01858-438-430 email hello@subscription.co.uk [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]