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//-->EXCLUSIVE PICSCORRIE DIVORCEKaty &Orla dov s t d eaddi g v ueWWW.HEATWORLD.COMIs h s mathe e sonL cy-Jo& A an spl ?THEGOOD.THEMAD.THE UNMISSABLE.Issue 8782 - 8 April 2016kim’s£100new bodyI’TTTE TI✱After tummy tuck,lipo and bum lift,she plans even more✱Kanye demands:‘Do whatever ittakes to look good’¤2.90; FranceGermany ¤4.40;£1.65Spain & CanariesGreece €3.30 ¤3.40;InsecureCherylputs astop to L am’spartyingBGT EXCLUSIVEDAVID WALLIAMS LETS LOOSELOOK-AT-ME HEELSSHOULDSACKHIMSELF!’THESPRINGSHOERENDSYOU NEED TOKNOWABOUTTHE NEWGLADS‘SIMONplus:whichkardashian’shad a secretgastricband?POINTYTOESMULESARE BACKKendall, Khloéand Kyliedressed upfor SnapchatIssue 8782-8 April 2016thefamous4coverKim Kardashianlooks amazing – but at whatcost? A lot, as it turns out…And she isn’t the onlyKardashian who likesa bit of surgery12coverInsecureCherylwantsLiamto stoppartying with his oldOne Direction bandmates14coverAsLucy-JoHudsonsplits fromher husband, who ishelping her move on?16coverKatyandOrlandoget frisky on holiday andshe wants to make it for life38coverWe chatted toBGT’sDavid Walliamsabout why his mum couldreplace Simon CowellThank godour surgeonskept ourold nosesEven asa Grandma,I’m still goingto have lipson fleekpersonal shopper51Jessica AlbaandKendall Jennershow us how to wearwide-leg trousers53The Beauty Realiston hydrating lippiesand spa-style night creams54Look likeAliciaVikanderby day,Emma Robertsby night58coverThe new springshoe trends you needto know about nowCOVER PICS: AKM-GSI-XPOSURE; GOFFPHOTOS.COM; MATRIXPICTURES.CO.UK;SPLASHNEWS.COM; TOM OLDHAM; X17ONLINE.COM. PAGE 3 PICS: AKM-GSI-XPOSUREtheplaylist68Entertainment News71Chris Hemsworthon being a dad and thelatestHuntsmanfilm72Films:Taron EgertontalksEddie The Eagle84The week’s top telly98Binky Felstead’sWould You Rather…I’ve goteight filterson this andI still looklike a normalTURNTOPAGE4formoreonthekardashiansso much more than just a magazine – breathe in the goodness/heatworld@ heatworld2 – 8 APRIL 2016WWW.HEATWORLD.COM 3‘I’M S£100MY B2015With bump(and cape)in OctoberKimShe’s already had a tuhefinallyunveiled her postbaby body last week, declaringon her app that she’s lost 3stsince having baby Saint, butstill had “28lb [2st] to go”.But while Kim puts her newlook down to the Atkins dietand gym sessions,heatcanreveal that she’s actually spenta huge $90k overhauling herbody since the end of last yearand she’s got another $50k of work plannedover the next six weeks, taking her up to $140k(£100k) worth of post baby makeover.Since Saint West was born on 5 December,Kim has been getting secret surgery, suckingout fat with liposuction, undergoing a tummytuck and erasing other “imperfections”with laser treatments.An insider close to the reality star tells us,“Kim is obsessed with looking perfect andit’s all been carefully orchestrated since aboutmonth six of her pregnancy. She’s had threeconsultations with her team, bringing in analbum of pictures of when she was slimmerto show them how she wants to look. She’s notgoing to stop until she gets her old body back.”During her pregnancy, Kim, 35, publiclymoaned that she felt “fat as f**k” and couldn’twait to get started on her makeover. The sourcesays, “Starting with her face, she wanted a definedjawline back because her neck and chin hadno wThe star lookednoticeablyslimmer inBeverly Hillslast week4 WWW.HEATWORLD.COM2 – 8 APRIL 2016AKM-GSI-XPOSURE; REX FEATURES; SPLASHNEWS.COMm:Kardashian2 009SURGERYspecialummy tuck, lipo and a bum lift – and there’s more to comebecome bloated and wobbly. She had lipo on her faceand neck, and once that was done, she got fillers put inaround her cheekbones, plus Botox on her lower face.”Andthatnude selfie she posted earlier in March?Looks like it was thinspiration for Kim, as the sourceadds, “She was desperate for a flat stomach and wantedto get rid of her post pregnancy pouch, so she hada discreet tummy tuck. She also elected for sculptedlipo, removing excess fat from her thighs, tummyand hips but not the bum.” Well, obviously.“She’s had her ass reshaped with lipo and Botox to liftit. She’s also had treatment to remove stretch marksand surgery scars. She had to wear a body stockingfor six weeks and wasn’t allowed in the gym, so it’sonly in the last three weeks she’s been working out.”The friend adds, “She’s having to wait for a boob liftuntil six months after stopping breast feeding, becausemilk’s still produced and the shape would be at risk. Kimwants perfect boobs, so she’ll wait. This is where muchof the upcoming $50k doctor’s fee will be spent.”There’s now a six week intense diet and exerciseplan regime in place to help Kim lose the rest of herbaby weight and tone up. “The lipo took care of herexcess fat, but she thinks her body is still quite droopyand the muscles can only be toned in the gym.”And it’s not just Kim who’s obsessed with her body.Another insider claims Kanye puts pressure on hiswife to look great for their brand. “He’s quick to critiquewhat she needs to work on, what she’s failing at he likesto think of himself as the ‘Master of Vision’. Kim beingout of shape is not part of that vision. But he left thedetails to her she’s not told him exactly what she’s haddone, but they did discuss ‘the easy option’,and ‘medical help’. He told her she should dowhatever it takes to look good and be happy.”Meanwhile, with the rest of the Kardashiansnever far from the surgeon’s knife themselves,it seems Kourtney is the only family memberwilling to tell Kim to stop. The source says,“Kourt is quite outspoken about it, eventhough she had her boobs done years ago.She tells Kim she’s addicted and that‘surgery won’t fix your problems.’”Kim for once, listen to your sister.PENDINGKTO GETODY BACK’2006NaturalKimno wNewKimWhat she’s already had done…She’s previously claimed to be surgeryfree – saying in 2008, “I have not ever hadplastic surgery” – but old photos appearto tell a di erent story. Kim’s reportedlyhad several things done, including…●Rhinoplasty (nose job) to removethe tip of her nose●Lip fillers, likely to be Juvederm●Cheek and chin fillers●Botox on her face●Laser resurfacing on her face●Breast lift●Brazilian butt lift, where fat is takenfrom the abdomen or thigh andtransferred to the bum. Crucially, thiswouldn’t show up in an X-ray, like theone she had in season six ofKeepingUp With The Kardashians.Cunning.2 – 8 APRIL 2016WWW.HEATWORLD.COM 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->EXCLUSIVE PICSCORRIE DIVORCEKaty &Orla dov s t d eaddi g v ueWWW.HEATWORLD.COMIs h s mathe e sonL cy-Jo& A an spl ?THEGOOD.THEMAD.THE UNMISSABLE.Issue 8782 - 8 April 2016kim’s£100new bodyI’TTTE TI✱After tummy tuck,lipo and bum lift,she plans even more✱Kanye demands:‘Do whatever ittakes to look good’¤2.90; FranceGermany ¤4.40;£1.65Spain & CanariesGreece €3.30 ¤3.40;InsecureCherylputs astop to L am’spartyingBGT EXCLUSIVEDAVID WALLIAMS LETS LOOSELOOK-AT-ME HEELSSHOULDSACKHIMSELF!’THESPRINGSHOERENDSYOU NEED TOKNOWABOUTTHE NEWGLADS‘SIMONplus:whichkardashian’shad a secretgastricband?POINTYTOESMULESARE BACKKendall, Khloéand Kyliedressed upfor SnapchatIssue 8782-8 April 2016thefamous4coverKim Kardashianlooks amazing – but at whatcost? A lot, as it turns out…And she isn’t the onlyKardashian who likesa bit of surgery12coverInsecureCherylwantsLiamto stoppartying with his oldOne Direction bandmates14coverAsLucy-JoHudsonsplits fromher husband, who ishelping her move on?16coverKatyandOrlandoget frisky on holiday andshe wants to make it for life38coverWe chatted toBGT’sDavid Walliamsabout why his mum couldreplace Simon CowellThank godour surgeonskept ourold nosesEven asa Grandma,I’m still goingto have lipson fleekpersonal shopper51Jessica AlbaandKendall Jennershow us how to wearwide-leg trousers53The Beauty Realiston hydrating lippiesand spa-style night creams54Look likeAliciaVikanderby day,Emma Robertsby night58coverThe new springshoe trends you needto know about nowCOVER PICS: AKM-GSI-XPOSURE; GOFFPHOTOS.COM; MATRIXPICTURES.CO.UK;SPLASHNEWS.COM; TOM OLDHAM; X17ONLINE.COM. PAGE 3 PICS: AKM-GSI-XPOSUREtheplaylist68Entertainment News71Chris Hemsworthon being a dad and thelatestHuntsmanfilm72Films:Taron EgertontalksEddie The Eagle84The week’s top telly98Binky Felstead’sWould You Rather…I’ve goteight filterson this andI still looklike a normalTURNTOPAGE4formoreonthekardashiansso much more than just a magazine – breathe in the goodness/heatworld@ heatworld2 – 8 APRIL 2016WWW.HEATWORLD.COM 3‘I’M S£100MY B2015With bump(and cape)in OctoberKimShe’s already had a tuhefinallyunveiled her postbaby body last week, declaringon her app that she’s lost 3stsince having baby Saint, butstill had “28lb [2st] to go”.But while Kim puts her newlook down to the Atkins dietand gym sessions,heatcanreveal that she’s actually spenta huge $90k overhauling herbody since the end of last yearand she’s got another $50k of work plannedover the next six weeks, taking her up to $140k(£100k) worth of post baby makeover.Since Saint West was born on 5 December,Kim has been getting secret surgery, suckingout fat with liposuction, undergoing a tummytuck and erasing other “imperfections”with laser treatments.An insider close to the reality star tells us,“Kim is obsessed with looking perfect andit’s all been carefully orchestrated since aboutmonth six of her pregnancy. She’s had threeconsultations with her team, bringing in analbum of pictures of when she was slimmerto show them how she wants to look. She’s notgoing to stop until she gets her old body back.”During her pregnancy, Kim, 35, publiclymoaned that she felt “fat as f**k” and couldn’twait to get started on her makeover. The sourcesays, “Starting with her face, she wanted a definedjawline back because her neck and chin hadno wThe star lookednoticeablyslimmer inBeverly Hillslast week4 WWW.HEATWORLD.COM2 – 8 APRIL 2016AKM-GSI-XPOSURE; REX FEATURES; SPLASHNEWS.COMm:Kardashian2 009SURGERYspecialummy tuck, lipo and a bum lift – and there’s more to comebecome bloated and wobbly. She had lipo on her faceand neck, and once that was done, she got fillers put inaround her cheekbones, plus Botox on her lower face.”Andthatnude selfie she posted earlier in March?Looks like it was thinspiration for Kim, as the sourceadds, “She was desperate for a flat stomach and wantedto get rid of her post pregnancy pouch, so she hada discreet tummy tuck. She also elected for sculptedlipo, removing excess fat from her thighs, tummyand hips but not the bum.” Well, obviously.“She’s had her ass reshaped with lipo and Botox to liftit. She’s also had treatment to remove stretch marksand surgery scars. She had to wear a body stockingfor six weeks and wasn’t allowed in the gym, so it’sonly in the last three weeks she’s been working out.”The friend adds, “She’s having to wait for a boob liftuntil six months after stopping breast feeding, becausemilk’s still produced and the shape would be at risk. Kimwants perfect boobs, so she’ll wait. This is where muchof the upcoming $50k doctor’s fee will be spent.”There’s now a six week intense diet and exerciseplan regime in place to help Kim lose the rest of herbaby weight and tone up. “The lipo took care of herexcess fat, but she thinks her body is still quite droopyand the muscles can only be toned in the gym.”And it’s not just Kim who’s obsessed with her body.Another insider claims Kanye puts pressure on hiswife to look great for their brand. “He’s quick to critiquewhat she needs to work on, what she’s failing at he likesto think of himself as the ‘Master of Vision’. Kim beingout of shape is not part of that vision. But he left thedetails to her she’s not told him exactly what she’s haddone, but they did discuss ‘the easy option’,and ‘medical help’. He told her she should dowhatever it takes to look good and be happy.”Meanwhile, with the rest of the Kardashiansnever far from the surgeon’s knife themselves,it seems Kourtney is the only family memberwilling to tell Kim to stop. The source says,“Kourt is quite outspoken about it, eventhough she had her boobs done years ago.She tells Kim she’s addicted and that‘surgery won’t fix your problems.’”Kim for once, listen to your sister.PENDINGKTO GETODY BACK’2006NaturalKimno wNewKimWhat she’s already had done…She’s previously claimed to be surgeryfree – saying in 2008, “I have not ever hadplastic surgery” – but old photos appearto tell a di erent story. Kim’s reportedlyhad several things done, including…●Rhinoplasty (nose job) to removethe tip of her nose●Lip fillers, likely to be Juvederm●Cheek and chin fillers●Botox on her face●Laser resurfacing on her face●Breast lift●Brazilian butt lift, where fat is takenfrom the abdomen or thigh andtransferred to the bum. Crucially, thiswouldn’t show up in an X-ray, like theone she had in season six ofKeepingUp With The Kardashians.Cunning.2 – 8 APRIL 2016WWW.HEATWORLD.COM 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]