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//-->WILLIAM AND KATE’S FULLOFFICIAL HOLIDAY ALBUMNo 1422•21 MARCH 2016•£2.00GEORGE’S BIGADVENTUREWEDDING EXCLUSIVEALL THE MAGIC MOMENTSCAPTURED ON HIS FIRSTFAMILY HOLIDAY WITHHIS LITTLE SISTERBY ROYAL APPOINTMENTSPAIN: 3,60€.CANARY ISLANDS: 3,60€.PORTUGAL (CONT.): 3,60 €.ITALY: 3,60€.GREECE: 4,95€.GERMANY: 4,90€.FRANCE: 3,60€2PREPARINGFOR THEBIGGESTROLE OFHIS LIFEDANNYDYER‘Without JoI’m nothing’GERI AND RITA’SDOUBLE DATEWITH A PRINCEthis week614202225263132404248PEOPLE IN THE NEWS66FAB FOUR506466768488929464IT’S AN HONOUR3445466078TRACY GRIFFITHThe chef and half-sister of actressMELANIEshows us around her new London homeTHE PRINCE OF WALESis joined by a host of stars asthe Prince’s Trust honours some special young peopleCHERYL FERNANDEZ-VERSINIandLIAM PAYNEgopublic with their blossoming love on a series of datesBRADLEY COOPERandIRINA SHAYKmake theirred-carpet debut in the City of LoveJENSON BUTTONand his estranged wifeJESSICAMICHIBATAmove on with new high-profile romancesCATHERINE TYLDESLEYtreats her little sonALFIEtoall the fun of the farm as a first birthday treatEDDIE REDMAYNETender scenes with wife Hannahas they prepare to become first-time parentsBRADandANGELINAeach take three of theirchildren as they film on opposite sides of the globeLAURA HAMILTONThe TV presenter talks about herrecent health scareNANCY REAGANThe former First Lady is laid to restbeside her late husbandRONALDin CaliforniaSARAH, DUCHESS OF YORKis honoured byANTONIO BANDERASand his girlfriendNICOLE KIMPELat a charity gala in Mexico CityDANNY DYERThe soap star and family reveal howSpain and the East End will mix at his summer weddingIDRIS ELBATheLutheractor makes mumEVEhappyas he picks up his OBE at Buckingham PalacePRINCE GEORGEandPRINCESS CHARLOTTESnowtime for the adorable young royals… before a return to work forTHE DUKE ANDDUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGEPETER STRINGFELLOWand his wife Bella invite us totheir children’s unconventional naming ceremonyLAURA WRIGHTThe soprano prepares to performbefore the Grand NationalWENDI DENGsteps out in Paris with a new beaudays after her ex-husband Rupert Murdoch marriesSTELLA McCARTNEYand her fatherSIR PAULheadthe big names atPARIS FASHION WEEK48DOWN MEXICO WAY819110512012812913050COCKNEY REVELSINSIDE STORYAll the celebrity news7 DAYSA round-up of the week’s reportsPANORAMAWorld news in the frameCINEMATTERSLights, cameras, action!INSIDE ENTERTAINMENTMotown legends hitLondon – plus we meet The Vamps and Kate HudsonDIARYA window on the social scenePRIZE DRAWYour chance to win a £2,000 trip toLadies Day at the Grand National FestivalHELLO! LOVESOur favourite thingsHELLO! SUBSCRIPTIONSUnbeatable savingsHOROSCOPESwith Jonathan Cainer – plusPUZZLESRICHARD ARNOLDcatches up with Caitlyn Jenner,plus theTO-DO LISTHELLO!’S HALF HOURwith Gwen StefaniREGULARSStarts on p99lifestyleCookery Special76CHECK MATE26facebook.com/helloALFIE’S ANIMAL MAGIC201D BECOMES 2Plus Fashion•Beauty•Wellbeing•EntertainmentOFPAGESSTTHE BENALSEASO ESRECIP10ENTERTAININGSPECIAL@hellomag@hellomagukMasters ofDISGUISEFrom dark circlesto breakouts, differentskin imperfectioyour perfect cover-upyou need to become ns demand different concealers.To findan expert at hideand seekNot all concealersare the same. Justwho has ever, wronglyas it turns out, used ask anyoneÉclat highlightera YSL Toucheanda spot. In fact, there under-eye brightener to try to coverreflecting, under-eyeare three distinct categories: light-pigment concealers; concealers; opaque redness andan emergency you and matt spot cover-ups. Of course,can get away withthree, but to fakeusing a hybrid of inflawlessthechoose your concealer skin effectively you need to“If you think about with care.shadow is to a raised how different an under-eye darkit makes sense that spot or a patch of pigmentation,thenyou need a differentof concealer to getcolour and texturerid of each one,”concealing, Bobbiexplains the queenBrown. And sheofis right.under-eye area youwant a liquid, hydrating,For the delicatetexture and finish,brighteningwhile on a spot youneed a stay-in-place,BEAUTY•For daily celebrity news, fashion, beauty and lots more, visithellomagazine.com•Get your copy ofHELLO!digitally on your computer or tablet. Visithellomagazine.com/digital-editionHELLO! LTDWellington House, 69-71 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PQ. Tel: 020-7667 8700 Fax: 020-7667 8716Readers with a news story please email: news@hellomagazine.comBACK ISSUES:01858-438-430SUBSCRIPTIONS:01858-438-430 email hello@subscription.co.ukMeat and GreetSTUFFED SADDLE OF LAMB WITHfat1. Remove the skinEASTER LUNCHSHOPPINGcentrepiece foras a showstopping Le Gavrocheimaginative waysnttwist, served three Michelin-starred London restauraroast gets a timelyThe traditional lamb Michel Roux Jr, of the famous family’sEaster weekend byRON JUSGET THE LOOK!PHOTO: SPLASH NEWSSelena Gomezturned heads in the French capital on Wednesday as she donned a pair ofeyeball-grabbing Louis Vuitton red leather trousers during Paris Fashion Week.The singer and actress accompanied them with a très chic tailored black coat,oversized Dior sunglasses and a pair of sky-high pointed Soebedar mesh courtheels. A boxy Louis Vuitton bag lent extra panache to her style-savvy ensemble.Serves6-815-20 minutesPreparation timehours, plus coolingCooking time1¼with theon top and cover Roll the bellyfor 20 minutes.remaining spinach. wrap in thethe preheated oven cool.toand excessflaps over the centre,Remove and leavestring. Roast ininto a saucepan,the saddle ofcaul fat and tie with for 30 minutes4. Pour the creamfrom the lamb. Boneremoving theand keep boilingthe preheated oven oven andbring to the boillamb from the belly,thehalf. Remove frommaking any holesthen remove fromuntil reduced byfillets but withoutrest in a warmto cool.This is a slightlyleave the meat to minutes.the heat and leaveon the upper side. butcher to doin lightly30place for at leastthe5. Blanch the spinachtricky task – ask your confident.INGREDIENTSRefresh under, drain the fat fromkidneys)not(withboiling water.9. Meanwhileit for you if you’re• 1 saddle of lambn on each saltedadd the bones andsqueezefat (available fromroasting pan andcold running water, chop roughly.Cut the flaps to 12cm/4�½i stretched• 200g/7oz cauloil. Cookwith a little olivey dry andsaddle on theonioncompletelside, lay theyour local butcher)thestirringkidneys into smallground black peppercaul fat and season lightly withover a medium heat,6. Cut the lamb• Salt and freshlybrowned, deglazeblacknon-stick panpeeledfrequently. Whendice, toss in a hot drain and addsalt and freshly ground• 20 cloves of garlic,leave to reduce bythenthe bones.with the wine andpepper. Chop all to 200°C, 400°F, for 15 seconds• 100g/4oz butterand stock andwith thehalf. Add the saffron skimming offto the spinach, together2. Preheat the ovengarlic.• Olive oil, for roasting creamand roasteddoublereduce by two-thirds,clean saucepancream, egg yolksGas 6.• 100ml/4fl ozato 220°C,cloves in boilingandthe fat. Strain into butter to7. Turn up the oven3. Blanch the garlic• 900g/2lb washedminute thenthen whisk in a little sauce.425°F, Gas 7.salted water for 1ready-prepared spinachthegarlic on aof the spinachthicken and shine8. Spoon somedrain. Put the blanchedof butter• 2 egg yolksly with the lamb.centre of theand chopped1 tbspServe immediatemixture down the place the filletssheet of foil with• large onion, peeled white wineseason. Foldsweetboned lamb saddle,and a little oil then then place in• 125ml/4�½fl ozfoilstrandsover and seal the• 2 pinches saffron• 500ml/18fl ozchicken stockIC ANDSPINACH, GARLSAFF,Red alert: SelenaGomez goes hellfor leather in theCity of Light1. Pockets wool coat,£99.99, Mango; visit mango.com2. RollRight sunglasses,,£170, Taylor Morris; visit taylormorriseyewear.com3. Cap sleeve tee,£75,Joseph; visit joseph-fashion.com4. The Copenhagen bag,£295, Milli Millu;visit millimillu.com5. Isla wet look trousers,£22, Boohoo; visit boohoo.comfrom Boots. A combination, £9.99,eye serum and concealer6. Trouble Highback Point court shoes,£72, Office; visit office.co.ukClarinsInstant Concealerin 02,£22; visitclarins.co.uk. In99four shadesLifestyle:S H O P P I N G•B E A U T Y• W E L L B E I N G•R E C I P E S•E N T E R TA I N M E N T107HELLO1422p106-109.indd 10711312/3/16 1:44i dd 113 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->WILLIAM AND KATE’S FULLOFFICIAL HOLIDAY ALBUMNo 1422•21 MARCH 2016•£2.00GEORGE’S BIGADVENTUREWEDDING EXCLUSIVEALL THE MAGIC MOMENTSCAPTURED ON HIS FIRSTFAMILY HOLIDAY WITHHIS LITTLE SISTERBY ROYAL APPOINTMENTSPAIN: 3,60€.CANARY ISLANDS: 3,60€.PORTUGAL (CONT.): 3,60 €.ITALY: 3,60€.GREECE: 4,95€.GERMANY: 4,90€.FRANCE: 3,60€2PREPARINGFOR THEBIGGESTROLE OFHIS LIFEDANNYDYER‘Without JoI’m nothing’GERI AND RITA’SDOUBLE DATEWITH A PRINCEthis week614202225263132404248PEOPLE IN THE NEWS66FAB FOUR506466768488929464IT’S AN HONOUR3445466078TRACY GRIFFITHThe chef and half-sister of actressMELANIEshows us around her new London homeTHE PRINCE OF WALESis joined by a host of stars asthe Prince’s Trust honours some special young peopleCHERYL FERNANDEZ-VERSINIandLIAM PAYNEgopublic with their blossoming love on a series of datesBRADLEY COOPERandIRINA SHAYKmake theirred-carpet debut in the City of LoveJENSON BUTTONand his estranged wifeJESSICAMICHIBATAmove on with new high-profile romancesCATHERINE TYLDESLEYtreats her little sonALFIEtoall the fun of the farm as a first birthday treatEDDIE REDMAYNETender scenes with wife Hannahas they prepare to become first-time parentsBRADandANGELINAeach take three of theirchildren as they film on opposite sides of the globeLAURA HAMILTONThe TV presenter talks about herrecent health scareNANCY REAGANThe former First Lady is laid to restbeside her late husbandRONALDin CaliforniaSARAH, DUCHESS OF YORKis honoured byANTONIO BANDERASand his girlfriendNICOLE KIMPELat a charity gala in Mexico CityDANNY DYERThe soap star and family reveal howSpain and the East End will mix at his summer weddingIDRIS ELBATheLutheractor makes mumEVEhappyas he picks up his OBE at Buckingham PalacePRINCE GEORGEandPRINCESS CHARLOTTESnowtime for the adorable young royals… before a return to work forTHE DUKE ANDDUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGEPETER STRINGFELLOWand his wife Bella invite us totheir children’s unconventional naming ceremonyLAURA WRIGHTThe soprano prepares to performbefore the Grand NationalWENDI DENGsteps out in Paris with a new beaudays after her ex-husband Rupert Murdoch marriesSTELLA McCARTNEYand her fatherSIR PAULheadthe big names atPARIS FASHION WEEK48DOWN MEXICO WAY819110512012812913050COCKNEY REVELSINSIDE STORYAll the celebrity news7 DAYSA round-up of the week’s reportsPANORAMAWorld news in the frameCINEMATTERSLights, cameras, action!INSIDE ENTERTAINMENTMotown legends hitLondon – plus we meet The Vamps and Kate HudsonDIARYA window on the social scenePRIZE DRAWYour chance to win a £2,000 trip toLadies Day at the Grand National FestivalHELLO! LOVESOur favourite thingsHELLO! SUBSCRIPTIONSUnbeatable savingsHOROSCOPESwith Jonathan Cainer – plusPUZZLESRICHARD ARNOLDcatches up with Caitlyn Jenner,plus theTO-DO LISTHELLO!’S HALF HOURwith Gwen StefaniREGULARSStarts on p99lifestyleCookery Special76CHECK MATE26facebook.com/helloALFIE’S ANIMAL MAGIC201D BECOMES 2Plus Fashion•Beauty•Wellbeing•EntertainmentOFPAGESSTTHE BENALSEASO ESRECIP10ENTERTAININGSPECIAL@hellomag@hellomagukMasters ofDISGUISEFrom dark circlesto breakouts, differentskin imperfectioyour perfect cover-upyou need to become ns demand different concealers.To findan expert at hideand seekNot all concealersare the same. Justwho has ever, wronglyas it turns out, used ask anyoneÉclat highlightera YSL Toucheanda spot. In fact, there under-eye brightener to try to coverreflecting, under-eyeare three distinct categories: light-pigment concealers; concealers; opaque redness andan emergency you and matt spot cover-ups. Of course,can get away withthree, but to fakeusing a hybrid of inflawlessthechoose your concealer skin effectively you need to“If you think about with care.shadow is to a raised how different an under-eye darkit makes sense that spot or a patch of pigmentation,thenyou need a differentof concealer to getcolour and texturerid of each one,”concealing, Bobbiexplains the queenBrown. And sheofis right.under-eye area youwant a liquid, hydrating,For the delicatetexture and finish,brighteningwhile on a spot youneed a stay-in-place,BEAUTY•For daily celebrity news, fashion, beauty and lots more, visithellomagazine.com•Get your copy ofHELLO!digitally on your computer or tablet. Visithellomagazine.com/digital-editionHELLO! LTDWellington House, 69-71 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PQ. Tel: 020-7667 8700 Fax: 020-7667 8716Readers with a news story please email: news@hellomagazine.comBACK ISSUES:01858-438-430SUBSCRIPTIONS:01858-438-430 email hello@subscription.co.ukMeat and GreetSTUFFED SADDLE OF LAMB WITHfat1. Remove the skinEASTER LUNCHSHOPPINGcentrepiece foras a showstopping Le Gavrocheimaginative waysnttwist, served three Michelin-starred London restauraroast gets a timelyThe traditional lamb Michel Roux Jr, of the famous family’sEaster weekend byRON JUSGET THE LOOK!PHOTO: SPLASH NEWSSelena Gomezturned heads in the French capital on Wednesday as she donned a pair ofeyeball-grabbing Louis Vuitton red leather trousers during Paris Fashion Week.The singer and actress accompanied them with a très chic tailored black coat,oversized Dior sunglasses and a pair of sky-high pointed Soebedar mesh courtheels. A boxy Louis Vuitton bag lent extra panache to her style-savvy ensemble.Serves6-815-20 minutesPreparation timehours, plus coolingCooking time1¼with theon top and cover Roll the bellyfor 20 minutes.remaining spinach. wrap in thethe preheated oven cool.toand excessflaps over the centre,Remove and leavestring. Roast ininto a saucepan,the saddle ofcaul fat and tie with for 30 minutes4. Pour the creamfrom the lamb. Boneremoving theand keep boilingthe preheated oven oven andbring to the boillamb from the belly,thehalf. Remove frommaking any holesthen remove fromuntil reduced byfillets but withoutrest in a warmto cool.This is a slightlyleave the meat to minutes.the heat and leaveon the upper side. butcher to doin lightly30place for at leastthe5. Blanch the spinachtricky task – ask your confident.INGREDIENTSRefresh under, drain the fat fromkidneys)not(withboiling water.9. Meanwhileit for you if you’re• 1 saddle of lambn on each saltedadd the bones andsqueezefat (available fromroasting pan andcold running water, chop roughly.Cut the flaps to 12cm/4�½i stretched• 200g/7oz cauloil. Cookwith a little olivey dry andsaddle on theonioncompletelside, lay theyour local butcher)thestirringkidneys into smallground black peppercaul fat and season lightly withover a medium heat,6. Cut the lamb• Salt and freshlybrowned, deglazeblacknon-stick panpeeledfrequently. Whendice, toss in a hot drain and addsalt and freshly ground• 20 cloves of garlic,leave to reduce bythenthe bones.with the wine andpepper. Chop all to 200°C, 400°F, for 15 seconds• 100g/4oz butterand stock andwith thehalf. Add the saffron skimming offto the spinach, together2. Preheat the ovengarlic.• Olive oil, for roasting creamand roasteddoublereduce by two-thirds,clean saucepancream, egg yolksGas 6.• 100ml/4fl ozato 220°C,cloves in boilingandthe fat. Strain into butter to7. Turn up the oven3. Blanch the garlic• 900g/2lb washedminute thenthen whisk in a little sauce.425°F, Gas 7.salted water for 1ready-prepared spinachthegarlic on aof the spinachthicken and shine8. Spoon somedrain. Put the blanchedof butter• 2 egg yolksly with the lamb.centre of theand chopped1 tbspServe immediatemixture down the place the filletssheet of foil with• large onion, peeled white wineseason. Foldsweetboned lamb saddle,and a little oil then then place in• 125ml/4�½fl ozfoilstrandsover and seal the• 2 pinches saffron• 500ml/18fl ozchicken stockIC ANDSPINACH, GARLSAFF,Red alert: SelenaGomez goes hellfor leather in theCity of Light1. Pockets wool coat,£99.99, Mango; visit mango.com2. RollRight sunglasses,,£170, Taylor Morris; visit taylormorriseyewear.com3. Cap sleeve tee,£75,Joseph; visit joseph-fashion.com4. The Copenhagen bag,£295, Milli Millu;visit millimillu.com5. Isla wet look trousers,£22, Boohoo; visit boohoo.comfrom Boots. A combination, £9.99,eye serum and concealer6. Trouble Highback Point court shoes,£72, Office; visit office.co.ukClarinsInstant Concealerin 02,£22; visitclarins.co.uk. In99four shadesLifestyle:S H O P P I N G•B E A U T Y• W E L L B E I N G•R E C I P E S•E N T E R TA I N M E N T107HELLO1422p106-109.indd 10711312/3/16 1:44i dd 113 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]