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//-->NUMBER 1427•25 APRIL 2016•£2.00The Duchess of Cambridge‘It was an amazingexperience. I feelvery lucky andfortunate’FULL ALBUMROYALTOURSPECIALSPAIN: 3,60€.CANARY ISLANDS: 3,60€.PORTUGAL (CONT.): 3,60 €.ITALY: 3,60€.GREECE: 4,95€.GERMANY: 4,90€.FRANCE: 3,60€MAKE AN EMOTIONAL TRIP FILLEDWITH MEMORABLE MOMENTSWILLIAM AND KATEA GLORIOUS PASSAGE TO INDIAAND ON PEAK FORM WITH THEKING AND QUEEN OF BHUTANthis week6PEOPLE IN THE NEWSGIGI HADID’sflamboyant fatherMOHAMEDshowsus round his incredible Bel Air home20JEAN-CHRISTOPHE NOVELLIAt his chalet in Austria,the chef exclusively reveals he’s to be a dad again26CHERYL FERNANDEZ-VERSINIandLIAM PAYNEprove they’re perfectly in tune on a London date night28EDDIE REDMAYNEand wife Hannah take a romanticbreak in Paris ahead of the arrival of their first child30THE QUEEN’smaids of honour at her Coronationremember the day that changed their lives44PRINCESS BEATRICEand boyfriendDAVE CLARKmingle with the stars at a glittering charity gala in LA46DAVID GANDYThe model tells why all childrenshould be supported and encouraged to achieve54THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGEWefollow their spectacular tour of India and Bhutan in astunning 50-page special108CHARLIZE THERONandCARA DELEVINGNEturn54SPECIAL REPORT AND PHOTOS:THE ROYAL TOUR OF INDIA AND BHUTANheads at the MTV Film Awards112BARBARA HULANICKIThe genius behind Bibaopens the doors to her colourful Miami Beach homeREGULARS34INSIDE STORYAll the celebrity news487 DAYSA round-up of the week’s reports50CINEMATTERSLights, cameras, action!53PANORAMAWorld news in the frame106INSIDE ENTERTAINMENTWe get the latest news onDame Helen Mirren, Antony Costa andThe Voice44DOING THEIR BITwinner Kevin Simm110DIARYA window on the social scene125HELLO! LOVESOur favourite things126HELLO! SUBSCRIPTIONSUnbeatable savings144HOROSCOPESwith Jonathan Cainer – plusPUZZLES145RICHARD ARNOLDcatches up with Suranne Jones,HEF’S SPECIALplus theTO-DO LIST146HELLO!’S HALF HOURwith Jessica Chastain26SAME DIRECTIONFashion•Beauty•Wellbeing•Recipes•EntertainmentlifestyleStarts on p119ARIS MATCH6MO’S ABODE@hellomagfacebook.com/hello@hellomaguk•For daily celebrity news, fashion, beauty and lots more, visithellomagazine.com•Get your copy ofHELLO!digitally on your computer or tablet. Visithellomagazine.com/digital-editionHELLO! LTDWellington House, 69-71 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PQ. Tel: 020-7667 8700Readers with a news story please email: news@hellomagazine.comBACK ISSUES:01858-438-430SUBSCRIPTIONS:01858-438-430 email hello@subscription.co.uk [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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