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//-->Herb Wharton was born in Cunnamulla, Queensland, and beganhis working life in his teenage years as a drover. His maternalgrandmother was of the Kooma people; his grandfathers wereIrish and English. In 1992 with the publication of his first book,Unbranded, he committed to novel form his experiences of peopleand events from his long years on the stock routes of inlandAustralia. His next book Cattle Camp, a collection of drovinghistories as told by Murri stockmen and women, published in1994, has also been reprinted. Where Ya' Been, Mate?, acollection of his stories, followed in 1996.He has travelled extensively throughout Australia and abroad.In 1998 he was selected for a residency at the Australia Councilstudio in Paris where he completed the manuscript of YumbaDays, his first book for young readers.Also by Herb WhartonUnbrandedCattle Camp: Murri Droversand Their StoriesNERD WARMWhere Y►' Dees, Mete?University of Queensland PressFirst published 1996 by University of Queensland PressPO Box 6042, St Lucia, Queensland 4067, AustraliaReprinted 2010www.uqp.uq.edu.au© Herb Wharton 1996This book is copyright Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study,research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may bereproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to thepublisher.Typeset by University of Queensland PressPrinted in Australia by Griffin DigitalSponsored by the Queensland Office of Arts and Cultural Development.Cataloguing in Publication DataNational Library of AustraliaWharton, Herb, 1936-Where ya' been mate.I. Title.A823.3ISBN 978 0 7022 2803 2 (pbk.)ISBN 978 0 7022 3836 9 (pdf) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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