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The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
Posts by orgnal authors ndcated
Every word s wrtten by a member of
Ths book wl not surpass 50 pages, and wl be updated from
tme to tme. Ony the best of the best artces make t nto ths
book. Edited for correctness by Nicholas Hill
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The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
Get out of your box (and nto hers)
by Mozart23
Most of us go through our ves vng as many other peope thnk we shoud, not
competey, but far more than we shoud. By ths I mean we ve wthn other
peopes boundares and expectatons, .e. your parents, brothers or ssters,
frends..etc. Im not necessary takng about peer pressure, athough that s part
of t, what Im referrng to s even mosty restrants on you, from yoursef, that
you do or dont do certan thngs ony because you never reay have before. The
cothes you wear, the car you drve, f you dance at a bar or not, these are just a
few thngs that f you suddeny changed, your frends or famy may say ÐYOU
dont wear those do you?Ñ Confdence s agan paramount here, but you need to
somehow fnd a way to break out of ths box that they, and especay yoursef,
have put you n al these years.
Im not sayng to run out and buy a dog coar to put around your neck just to be
dfferent, but you shoud sowy start redscoverng yoursef, by yoursef, wthout
the hep of your frends and famy. You coud even ask a femae frend to hep
you out. Ask her to be competey and brutay honest, because f she can see
somethng, so can the rest of the word. She may or may not tel you that you
have bad breath on occason, but she may tel you that f you adjusted your
posture, you woud ook more athetc, or that f you changed your har..etc, you
can take or eave her advce, but many thngs about yoursef are hard to see from
your pont of vew (.e, the breath thng)
I occasonay thnk of mysef as beng 87 years od, sttng n a char n a home
somewhere, starng out a wndow, not reay knowng who or where I am, not
knowng f I worked at General Motors al my fe or served n Napoeons army,
thnkng back on my fe and wshng I coudve changed ths or that, wshng now
that I woudve taken more chances, screw the consequences. I wsh I woudve
somehow dtched the ugy red car that I drove for years and got somethng a ot
ncer, I wsh I had more confdence back then, I reay dont know what I was
afrad of. I wsh I coudve been a ot happer, had more fun wth the ades, ved
a more adventurous fe......then you sowy fal aseep agan n your char.....
Suddeny you wake up, you are back to your current age, you stand up exctngy,
you have your real teeth, no more arthrts, you have both testces agan. Now
you have that second chance to ve the fe that you shoud have ved the frst
Ltte thngs no onger bother you, you now have the confdence to tel others
Ðyou know, I never reay ked wearng those shoes anyway, I thnk Im gong to
get somethng competey dfferentÑ You now start ookng through your cosest
and throwng out some of the cothes that you shoudve thrown out ong ago.
You reevauate your status wth your current grfrend, your job, your
car..everythng. You sowy start becomng a more dstnctve person, dong
exacty what ths new you wants, and ony ths new you. If you have somethng
that you somehow acqured sometme ago and you reay dont now why you stl
have t, ptch t. If you drnk the same beer as al your frends, maybe you shoud
try others just to fnd out what ths new dstnctve you wants.
I have recenty went through somethng ke ths, a personal renassance f you
w, and the confdence seems to be skyrocketng. I am not cocky by any means,
but I now do thngs because ÐIÑ ke dong them, not because ÐI dont know, I
aways haveÑ, or because your frends and famy thnk you shoud. And snce
weve al heard that Percepton = Reaty, Ive been runnng, ftng weghts ke
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
Ive never done before, and ts makng a huge dfference n my fe. Everythng s
now better and seems easer.
Another great exercse s to pretend that somehow ÐGods ComputerÑ had a gtch
of some knd, and everythng about you was ost. So he (or she?) has asked you
to fl out some form descrbng n detal who you are and hel get rght on t and
sorry for any nconvenence ths may have caused. So now, wth a bank sheet of
paper n front of you, you can smpy start fng n anythng, you can smpy fl n
the person that you wanted to be but never reay had the tme to be yet. For
I was thn and very athetc
I was extremey confdent
I had nce cothes
I had an opnon that counted
I was a great pubc speaker
I usuay woud Ðscore wth the babesÑ
I was somewhat mysterous at tmes
I was very cavaer
I was aways n a good mood uness there was a specfc reason not to be
After a whe you get a compete scupture of how you shoud be ke, and as you
read your st on occason, you wl sowy become that person. You wl not
become JFK Jr. overnght, but just ke someone on ths board sad earer
Ðthnkng that you are Prnce Charmng to women s the frst step n becomng
that PrnceÑ
You are the one who knows you best. Ive even made a st of my bggest fauts
or those thngs that are keepng me from beng confdent and started attackng
those thngs.
As soon as you get on a tte groove, you start becomng more and more
confdent, more ambtous, more dstnctve, you have more passon for your fe,
nothng seems to bother you ke t dd before, you start gettng more attenton
from the babes, but you are, at tmes, too busy to even take notce. You are a
man on the rse and al of the word can now see t.
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
The secret of the Jerk
by Pook
No, your eyes are not mstaken. The guy wth the beautful woman s a jerk
and/or ugy guy! What s he dong wth her? Can she not see? Has she not eyes?
Aas! The poor mae ooks around, knows not who to turn to, and eventuay sums
up that the unverse s a cruel and mysterous personage who deas out no
answers, offers no soutons, and gves out no expanatons especay for the
engma of al engmas, the beautful woman! Obvousy, somethng s amss. How
do these ugy to average ookng guys get such babes? How do these crue,
stupd, barbarc maes get these femnne jewes? Are they foowng a specal
trck? Are they super confdent? What s ther secret? Or are they even aware of
ther secret?
But what f nothng s amss? What f ths s al correct to the wl of Nature?
Where eaves the Don Juan?
Oh, there she s! The beautful woman! The ornament of the word! The dream n
fesh! She stands aoof on the patform and says, "Gentemen! How are you to
wn me?"
And around the patform, a thousand mouths cry:
"By gnorng you."
"By totay focusng on you."
"Puffed musces."
"Spky har."
"Endess gfts."
"Leather jackets."
"Ectng vaues."
"Sparky cothes."
"Bouncy personaty."
"Dnner. Lobster!"
"Gutar songs."
And she aughs ony to say, "These are very wel and good, gentemen. But are
you not aware that mtaton s sucde? You forget that confdence s experence,
that puffed musces are not to be a mascune dress, that any guy can buy me
obster, and that countess many can sng the gutar songs. Are you so unaware
of what I need?"
But a one voce speaks from the foor: "You, madam, are to wn me! For I am
the prze to be won!"
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
And wth that, she ggges n gee. "For every one of you, there are a thousand
guys wng to offer me the above. It s cute that you are dfferent. But why am I
wth the ugy guy at the end? Why do I prefer the jerk?" And wth ths the one
voce had no answer.
Then comes the great excamaton: "Because he s a man!"
"Yes but no," she snobby aughs.
"Because he s dsrespectfu."
"He s that but no."
"Because he s an anma."
"Not at a!"
"Because he has super ego!"
"True, but no."
"Because he wears hs cap backwards!"
"Because he s rough and mean."
And then a goden arrow shaft of voce perced the confuson, penetrated deep
wthn the truth, spread those warm gooey moans of ecstasy throughout, and
made her come wth such surprsng carty that she screams n deght. For the
voce sad,
"Extreme masculinity!"
"Oh Pook!" she smed n radance. "How rght you are!" And al the guys' mouths
turn nto a bg O as the beautful woman ran off the patform nto the arms of
Havng satsfed none of her demands, what she ends up wth (the ugy/average
guy) becomes seemngy contradctory. Extreme mascunty? What answer can
that be?
Oh women! Can you gve us no expanatons other than the ones that send us off
the cff? Can you not expan yourseves to our perpexed mae mnds? Aas, t s
ke speakng to a bock. She gves expressons but not answers. She gves
demands but not secrets. How smart men may be untl they enter a bar! How
knowedgeabe they seem untl theyre before a woman!
The Mystery of Mysteries
There are three mysteres to the word: the rse and fal of cvzatons, frutcake,
and why beautful women go for jerks.
Leavng frutcake and the rse and fal of cvzatons for other posts, et us
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The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
Posts by orgnal authors ndcated
Every word s wrtten by a member of
Ths book wl not surpass 50 pages, and wl be updated from
tme to tme. Ony the best of the best artces make t nto ths
book. Edited for correctness by Nicholas Hill
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
Get out of your box (and nto hers)
by Mozart23
Most of us go through our ves vng as many other peope thnk we shoud, not
competey, but far more than we shoud. By ths I mean we ve wthn other
peopes boundares and expectatons, .e. your parents, brothers or ssters,
frends..etc. Im not necessary takng about peer pressure, athough that s part
of t, what Im referrng to s even mosty restrants on you, from yoursef, that
you do or dont do certan thngs ony because you never reay have before. The
cothes you wear, the car you drve, f you dance at a bar or not, these are just a
few thngs that f you suddeny changed, your frends or famy may say ÐYOU
dont wear those do you?Ñ Confdence s agan paramount here, but you need to
somehow fnd a way to break out of ths box that they, and especay yoursef,
have put you n al these years.
Im not sayng to run out and buy a dog coar to put around your neck just to be
dfferent, but you shoud sowy start redscoverng yoursef, by yoursef, wthout
the hep of your frends and famy. You coud even ask a femae frend to hep
you out. Ask her to be competey and brutay honest, because f she can see
somethng, so can the rest of the word. She may or may not tel you that you
have bad breath on occason, but she may tel you that f you adjusted your
posture, you woud ook more athetc, or that f you changed your har..etc, you
can take or eave her advce, but many thngs about yoursef are hard to see from
your pont of vew (.e, the breath thng)
I occasonay thnk of mysef as beng 87 years od, sttng n a char n a home
somewhere, starng out a wndow, not reay knowng who or where I am, not
knowng f I worked at General Motors al my fe or served n Napoeons army,
thnkng back on my fe and wshng I coudve changed ths or that, wshng now
that I woudve taken more chances, screw the consequences. I wsh I woudve
somehow dtched the ugy red car that I drove for years and got somethng a ot
ncer, I wsh I had more confdence back then, I reay dont know what I was
afrad of. I wsh I coudve been a ot happer, had more fun wth the ades, ved
a more adventurous fe......then you sowy fal aseep agan n your char.....
Suddeny you wake up, you are back to your current age, you stand up exctngy,
you have your real teeth, no more arthrts, you have both testces agan. Now
you have that second chance to ve the fe that you shoud have ved the frst
Ltte thngs no onger bother you, you now have the confdence to tel others
Ðyou know, I never reay ked wearng those shoes anyway, I thnk Im gong to
get somethng competey dfferentÑ You now start ookng through your cosest
and throwng out some of the cothes that you shoudve thrown out ong ago.
You reevauate your status wth your current grfrend, your job, your
car..everythng. You sowy start becomng a more dstnctve person, dong
exacty what ths new you wants, and ony ths new you. If you have somethng
that you somehow acqured sometme ago and you reay dont now why you stl
have t, ptch t. If you drnk the same beer as al your frends, maybe you shoud
try others just to fnd out what ths new dstnctve you wants.
I have recenty went through somethng ke ths, a personal renassance f you
w, and the confdence seems to be skyrocketng. I am not cocky by any means,
but I now do thngs because ÐIÑ ke dong them, not because ÐI dont know, I
aways haveÑ, or because your frends and famy thnk you shoud. And snce
weve al heard that Percepton = Reaty, Ive been runnng, ftng weghts ke
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
Ive never done before, and ts makng a huge dfference n my fe. Everythng s
now better and seems easer.
Another great exercse s to pretend that somehow ÐGods ComputerÑ had a gtch
of some knd, and everythng about you was ost. So he (or she?) has asked you
to fl out some form descrbng n detal who you are and hel get rght on t and
sorry for any nconvenence ths may have caused. So now, wth a bank sheet of
paper n front of you, you can smpy start fng n anythng, you can smpy fl n
the person that you wanted to be but never reay had the tme to be yet. For
I was thn and very athetc
I was extremey confdent
I had nce cothes
I had an opnon that counted
I was a great pubc speaker
I usuay woud Ðscore wth the babesÑ
I was somewhat mysterous at tmes
I was very cavaer
I was aways n a good mood uness there was a specfc reason not to be
After a whe you get a compete scupture of how you shoud be ke, and as you
read your st on occason, you wl sowy become that person. You wl not
become JFK Jr. overnght, but just ke someone on ths board sad earer
Ðthnkng that you are Prnce Charmng to women s the frst step n becomng
that PrnceÑ
You are the one who knows you best. Ive even made a st of my bggest fauts
or those thngs that are keepng me from beng confdent and started attackng
those thngs.
As soon as you get on a tte groove, you start becomng more and more
confdent, more ambtous, more dstnctve, you have more passon for your fe,
nothng seems to bother you ke t dd before, you start gettng more attenton
from the babes, but you are, at tmes, too busy to even take notce. You are a
man on the rse and al of the word can now see t.
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
The secret of the Jerk
by Pook
No, your eyes are not mstaken. The guy wth the beautful woman s a jerk
and/or ugy guy! What s he dong wth her? Can she not see? Has she not eyes?
Aas! The poor mae ooks around, knows not who to turn to, and eventuay sums
up that the unverse s a cruel and mysterous personage who deas out no
answers, offers no soutons, and gves out no expanatons especay for the
engma of al engmas, the beautful woman! Obvousy, somethng s amss. How
do these ugy to average ookng guys get such babes? How do these crue,
stupd, barbarc maes get these femnne jewes? Are they foowng a specal
trck? Are they super confdent? What s ther secret? Or are they even aware of
ther secret?
But what f nothng s amss? What f ths s al correct to the wl of Nature?
Where eaves the Don Juan?
Oh, there she s! The beautful woman! The ornament of the word! The dream n
fesh! She stands aoof on the patform and says, "Gentemen! How are you to
wn me?"
And around the patform, a thousand mouths cry:
"By gnorng you."
"By totay focusng on you."
"Puffed musces."
"Spky har."
"Endess gfts."
"Leather jackets."
"Ectng vaues."
"Sparky cothes."
"Bouncy personaty."
"Dnner. Lobster!"
"Gutar songs."
And she aughs ony to say, "These are very wel and good, gentemen. But are
you not aware that mtaton s sucde? You forget that confdence s experence,
that puffed musces are not to be a mascune dress, that any guy can buy me
obster, and that countess many can sng the gutar songs. Are you so unaware
of what I need?"
But a one voce speaks from the foor: "You, madam, are to wn me! For I am
the prze to be won!"
Property of
The Don Juan book
Nicholas Hill
And wth that, she ggges n gee. "For every one of you, there are a thousand
guys wng to offer me the above. It s cute that you are dfferent. But why am I
wth the ugy guy at the end? Why do I prefer the jerk?" And wth ths the one
voce had no answer.
Then comes the great excamaton: "Because he s a man!"
"Yes but no," she snobby aughs.
"Because he s dsrespectfu."
"He s that but no."
"Because he s an anma."
"Not at a!"
"Because he has super ego!"
"True, but no."
"Because he wears hs cap backwards!"
"Because he s rough and mean."
And then a goden arrow shaft of voce perced the confuson, penetrated deep
wthn the truth, spread those warm gooey moans of ecstasy throughout, and
made her come wth such surprsng carty that she screams n deght. For the
voce sad,
"Extreme masculinity!"
"Oh Pook!" she smed n radance. "How rght you are!" And al the guys' mouths
turn nto a bg O as the beautful woman ran off the patform nto the arms of
Havng satsfed none of her demands, what she ends up wth (the ugy/average
guy) becomes seemngy contradctory. Extreme mascunty? What answer can
that be?
Oh women! Can you gve us no expanatons other than the ones that send us off
the cff? Can you not expan yourseves to our perpexed mae mnds? Aas, t s
ke speakng to a bock. She gves expressons but not answers. She gves
demands but not secrets. How smart men may be untl they enter a bar! How
knowedgeabe they seem untl theyre before a woman!
The Mystery of Mysteries
There are three mysteres to the word: the rse and fal of cvzatons, frutcake,
and why beautful women go for jerks.
Leavng frutcake and the rse and fal of cvzatons for other posts, et us
Property of
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