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//-->Become a member todayand explore six royalpalaces and their fabulousgardens for free, all year.Prices start at just £38*Join online athrp.org.ukorspeak to any member of staff*When you pay by Direct Debit, first year only.Royal Collection Trust © 2016, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IIArmour© courtesy of the Board of Trustees of theArmouriesFROM THE EDITORWelcomeAs legendary historical figures go, it’shard to get much bigger thanJuliusCaesar.The man whocrossed theRubiconmet his brutal end whennhe didn’t heed a warning tobewarethe ides of March.His assassinationwas the result of a complex sequenceof events and factors, but the story is a gripping saga ofpower, revolution and rebellion – not to mention a stringoflovers, from rivals’ wives to foreign queens.The actionbegins to unfold on page 28.Elsewhere, the sporting world contributes not onebut two great features to this issue. Firstly, we remembertthe recently departedMuhammad Ali’s greatest fight–which was against the United States, when herefused togo to Vietnamp55. And secondly, withthe Rio games5right around the corner, we look back to 1896, whenthemodern Olympic Gameswere bornp38.8We also have the usual mix of battles, adventures andcolourful characters - specifically, the Battle of Kohima,which became known asthe Stalingrad of the Eastp74;4And they’re off! The 100m sprint at the firstmodern Olympics gets underway in Athens, 1896Captain James Cook’sdoomed voyage to New Zealandt i JC k’ddt N Z l dp48; and Alfred the Great, theAnglo-Saxon king famed8for burning cakesp63.As ever, please dowrite inand tell us what you think ofnthis edition. We love to he f m youear from you.Enjoy the issue!Paul McGuinnessEditorDon’t miss our September issue, on sale 18 AugustGET INVOLVEDON THE COVER:ILLUSTRATION:© KURT MILLER/SALZMANART.COM, ALAMY X1, GETTY X4/ON THIS PAGE: GETTYX1Like us on Facebook:facebook.com/HistoryRevealedFollow us on Twitter:twitter.com/HistoryRevMagEmail us:haveyoursay@historyrevealed.comOr post:Have Your Say,History Revealed,ImmediatedMedia, Tower House, FairfaxStreet, Bristol BS1 3BNSubscriptionenquiries:Phone:0844 245 6943Email:historyrevealed@servicehelpline.co.ukPost:FREEPOST IMMEDIATE MEDIAEditorial enquiries:0117 314 7354GET YOURDIGITAL COPY63ON THE COVERYour key to thebig stories…55382418748328Digitalversions ofHistoryt lifHiRevealedare availablefor iOS,dKindle Fire, PCandMac.Visit iTunes, Amazon orzinio.com tofindoutmore.THIS MONTH WE’VE LEARNED...6578The number ofmilesdrivenbyBerthaBenzin thefirst everlong-distance roadtrip.See page 16.Muhammad Ali’s IQ, whichdisqualified him from the draftbefore standards were lowered.“I said I was the greatest, not thesmartest”, he said.See page 55.21The number of birdsshot by the winner of thegoldmedalin live pigeonshootingatthe 1900Olympics.See page 38.4648AUGUST 20163ISBN:978184832752was£25.00ISBN:9781848326620was£12.99ISBN:9781473834002was£25.00ISBN:9781848328945was£19.99now£20.00now£10.39now£20.00now£15.99ISBN:9781781590003was£19.99ISBN:9781848326361was£19.99ISBN:9781848328211was£14.99ISBN:9781473853492was£12.99now£15.99now£15.99now£11.99now£10.39TO ORDER PLEASE CALL AND QUOTE CODE216942TO RECIEVE DISCOUNT:01226 734222ORDER ONLINE:www.pen-and-sword.co.ukBARNSLEYsPEN AND SWORD BOOKS LTD47 CHURCH STREETsSOUTH YORKSHIREsS70 2AS46Unexpected‘Eureka!’momentsAUGUST 201624Behold thestinking ThamesChina’s RedArmy daysAli, thechampionof the world28JULIUSCAESARConspiracyto murderFEATURESCOVER STORY88Decipheringda Vinci’s codeeTIMECACAPSULEAPSULESnapshotsTakealookatthe big picture.......................p10Q&AAsk the ExpertsYour questionsanswered....................................p81Killing CaesarI Read the News TodayAugust, through theages..................................p16The brutalassassinationof JuliusCaesar isatale ofdeception,powerandrevolution...................................................................p28In a NutshellChina’s Cultural Revolution.............................p83Yesterday’s PapersPresident Nixon is forced to resign.......p18The Games RebornAthens, 1896,andthefirst modernOlympic Gamesare aboutto openHow Did They do That?....p38Indonesia’sBorobudurtemple..................p84Graphic HistoryThe birth of the scoutingmovement...p20Top 10: Accidental DiscoveriesFrom penicillin to Post-Its................................p46HERE & NOWOn our RadarOur pick of thismonth’s exhibitions,events and entertainment................................p88DiscoverLiverpool’s historicAlbertDock.........................................................................p90ALAMY X2, GETTY X2, PA X1, SCIENCE MUSEUM X1What Happened Next…The rise of Solidarity in Poland...................p22Great Adventures:Captain James CookThe celebrated Englishexplorer met astickyendin Hawaii..................................................p48The Extraordinary Tale of…London’s great stink of 1858............................p24Britain’s TreasuresMuhammad Ali’s Greatest FightWhen the protesting pugilist refused thedraft,he faced thefightof his life..........p55LIKE IT? SUBSCRIBE!Morensubscriptiondetailsonpage 26BooksHistory Makers: Alfred the GreatThe legendary Anglo-Saxon king...........p63A lookatthe best new releases................p92In Pictures:Margaret Bourke-WhiteLife photojournalist parexcellence.....p68EVERY ISSUELetters.........................................................................................p7Crossword.......................................................................p96Next Issue.........................................................................p97A-Z of History.........................................................p98AUGUST 2016Battlefield: Kohima‘The Stalingrad of the East’.............................p745 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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