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Agent 47 lives which can only mean other people are going to die.
Hitman Blood Money continues the series with more fiber wire
choking, guns blazing and "accidents" than ever before. Should you
drop this piano on your mark or simply stab them with a poison
needle. The choice is yours.
With such freedom can come enormous confusion. How will you ever
know what the ideal route through a level is? IGN's Guide to Hitman
Blood Money will give you strategies for obtaining the coveted Silent
Assassin rating on every level, along with information on how to find
and unlock every weapon and upgrade available. It's all here just
waiting for the enterprising assassin.
Look inside the guide for:
: If you could go to basic training for being an assassin, this would be it.
: Intel and strategy for gaining the Silent Assassin rating on each level.
: Achievement Points and more.
Guide by:
Erik Brudvig
Silent Assassin
Silent Assassin is the best rating you can get at the end of the level. In order to do so, you'll have to complete all
objectives, leave no witnesses, kill only your targets, and make the bare minimum in terms of noise. This may seem like
an impossible task. Read the walkthrough to learn one way of doing this for each level.
Close Combat Kills
If you want to get the Silent Assassin rating, practice using the Fiber Wire and the Syringes. These close combat kills
are silent so they won't raise any sort of alarm. Use the Sedative on non-targets and the Poison or Fiber Wire on your
Costume Changes
Despite the bald head and barcode in plain sight, changing costumes will completely hide you from suspicion. Certain
costumes will be required to gain access to specific areas. Look to see who is walking through the area you'd like to
enter and then steal their clothes after you sedate them to gain access.
Use the Environment
Make sure you spend some time exploring every environment of the level before attempting to make your kills. Playing
on Normal first to learn the routes of targets will help, but you'll also find traps that you can set, power boxes to disable,
and various hidden weapons that you can make use of. You'll be able to get through every level bringing along only your
standard equipment and no guns if you know your way around.
There's No Such Thing as an Accident
Literally! If you leave traps and create some "accidents," you won't be credited with the kill. A well placed bomb or a
poisoned bit of food will kill people without letting on to your presence. Without a witness to see what you did, you won't
be penalized. If a falling object lands on a citizen, you can still get the Silent Assassin rating. The same isn't true for
poisoned foods, but poisonous accidents are great ways to remove yourself from the scene of the crime before anything
bad goes down.
When you complete a level, you'll get a summary of how well you did. If you had many witnesses to your deeds, your
rating will drop. Likewise, if you kill any innocent citizens your rating will go down. This should encourage you to play as
a stealthily as possible, but if it doesn't the new Notoriety count will. If you run through a level with your guns blazing, the
many dead bodies and witnesses you leave behind will build a reputation that you won't like. Your Notoriety will stay with
you unless you pay off some officials with bribes at the end of the level. If your notoriety gets high enough, people will
recognize you immediately and start shooting even if you haven't done anything yet. This can obviously make things
quite difficult. Whenever you are given the opportunity, pay the bribes and keep your Notoriety at 0.
Managing Your Money
You'll be awarded cash for completing your missions. The first thing you should do is bribe officials to lower your
Notoriety. After that, you can spend your money upgrading equipment. Start with the Silverballers, Misc. Equipment, and
Sniper Rifle. These three sets of equipment are the most important to your missions and will be used the most. After
upgrading equipment and bribing officials, you can buy Intel from the Mission Briefing menu at the beginning of each
mission. Don't bother. We've got it all written out for you in the walkthrough section.
Custom Weapons and Upgrades
Agent 47 has certain custom weapons at his disposal from the start of the game. These weapons can be upgraded as
the game progresses and you earn money. While the upgrades can make the job easier and more fun, you can beat
every level with just your standard equipment if you try hard enough. Read below to learn more about the custom
weapons at your disposal.
Your standard pistol is quiet and deadly, especially after you upgrade it. This weapon is easily concealed making it
perfect for sneaking in to kill unsuspecting targets. You won't want to use this against a mob, so make sure you don't
raise any alarms while it is equipped.
Low Velocity Ammo 50k
More Silent
Less Recoil
Excludes Other Ammo
Silencer Type 1 50k
Medium Silenced
Excludes Silencer Type2
Excludes Long Slide
Extra Ammo
2 Extra Clips
Expands All Clips
Laser Sight
Laser Aim
Medium Precise
Rail Mount
For Scopes
Magnum Ammo 100k
Penetrates Doors
More Recoil
Excludes Other Ammo
Dual Action
Two Guns
Twice The Fun
More Recoil
Long Slide
Better Precision
Less Recoil
Excludes Silencer
Red Dot Sight 150k
Small Zoom
High Precision
Requires Rail Mount
Excludes Scope
Large Clip
More Bullets
Silencer Type 2 200k
Max Silenced
Excludes Silencer Type1
Excludes Long Slide
Full Auto Fire 200k
High Rate of Fire
Requires Large Clip
More Recoil
Scope Type 1 200k
Medium Zoom
Extreme Precision
Requires Rail Mount
Excludes Red Dot Sight
SP12 Shotgun
The Shotgun is large and in charge. Perfect for crowd control but as loud as they come, you should only use this
weapon if you're going on a murderous rampage. The shotgun has no long range accuracy. Use it when the police come
Flechette Ammo 50k
More Silent
Less Recoil
Excludes Other Ammo
Butt Stock
Medium Silenced
More Precise
Less Recoil
Extra Ammo
2 Extra Rounds
Expands All Rounds
Reload Boost 75k
Mounted Shells
Fast Reload Time
Double Capacity
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